part 12 - infection

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"Tvs pov".

After the "perfect infector toilet" died I realized this one was more armored and had more weapons so I unattached it's rockets and put half on my other shoulder and gave the rest to speaker I also found a tv like titan tvmans and I attached it to speakers chest right on his core like armor and also put some speakers next to it for the glasses I also gave him some electric conductors and more speakers on his back lie titan speakermans and finaly gave him more tvs. I also gave myself a black energy knife on my hand like titan tvmans so then we flew off to find more toilets but then we found the skibidi triplets I took out my hand knifes like tvmen and tvwomen and stabed the top triplet while stepping on the other 2 and then I stab the big one with my big knife killing it and then I took out my foot knife and stepped on the left triplet and stabed it on the top of its head and did the same to the one on the right and then fully killed them all with my red screens. And kicked the toilet away when she saw titan speakerman fighting another g-man clone I then detached my head and use the jetpack on the back of my tv and then flew it over and used the red screen on the g-man clone and then I reconnect the tv to my body and speaker gives me a thumbs up which I give a heart symbol back.

"Anyways there should be more toilets around here".

(Tvs upgrades so far he has tvs and speakers attached to metal rod that are attached to tvs back he also has a jetpack a knife that can switch to a hand 2 shoulder speakers 2 big speakers attached to 2 metal rods a magnet and he has a big tv next to his core and 3 tvs straped to each side of his tv head with 2 regular tvs with stunning power 2 upgraded plasma blasters 2 scythes core that can use purple fire a bunch of body armor a shield on his back 2 shoulder guns that can switch to 2 big tvs that can also switch to 2 anti parasite guns 6 tvs on my chest 3 on each side back claws glowing purple a purple energy shield a black coat black shoes black shirt and black paints)

We continued walking around the city when we saw a laser g-man clone but something was off he has loads of lasers like g-mans a core buz saws rockets and a jetpack I took out my scythe and flew at him and this is how it went.

We crashed down creating a explosion and then I swing my scythe disabling his jetpack but then he shoots all of his lasers at me damaging my armor then I use some of my core power to add strength to my scythe making it a super dark black and slashed 6 of his lasers in half making them unusable he then uses his saws and saws off my shoulder speakers I then use my own buzsaws and saw off the saws of his buzsaw uses all of the screens at once (red screen purple screen yellow screen white screen) burning him and making kill himself with his own lasers. But then I take off my head from my body and goes to the back of the skibidi toilets head and controls it and then me the toilet (/me again) and speaker flew to the base just to see that it was being attacked so I/the toilet flew in and exploded one of the toilets and then i used my lasers on the top of my head to burn some toilets. then i saw a knife toilet that shot a knife at my head but i pulled out the speakers on the bottom of my tvs and used them to stop it and then took out the claws on my head and turned the knife around stabbing the toilet in the head killing it me and speaker were fighting the toilets when i felt something on my neck then i tried to attack speaker but somehow he blocked me but then i used my core fire but he teleported away before it could attack him.

"speakers pov".

Tv just started attacking me out of nowhere when I saw the parasite on his neck so I used my plasma blasters aiming them at the parasite trying to kill it but his chest speaker blocked it but it was the only speaker left on his body other then the ones on his tvs but one of my plasma shots hit 1 of his shoulder tvs breaking it but what I was not expecting was he took a speakers from his back and put it on his broken shoulder tv protecting it. And changed his anti parasite guns on his shoulders to miniguns and started shooting at me which I blocked with my shield and flew and hit him with it and then grabbed my hammer and hit his neck trying to hit the parasite off but before i could hit it again he teloportated away and then I saw a giant toilet and flew over and hit him with my hammer knocking its headphones off and then grabbed its head and used my speakers and stabed it. But then I relised if I wanted to save him I would have to become stronger so I took the toilets armor now having armor all over my body and then attached knifes to my plasma blasters and knifes on every part of my speakers    so I can shoot them whenever I want I then use flame throwers on my shoulders and added more speakers to myself and puts knifes in them too and then I got ready to go save tv.

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