Chapter 2: Into The Night

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"So, who's car are we going to take?" Oliver asked as they were descending the staircase.

"We don't have any specific plans today, so you can just ride with us. I can't wait for you to meet my girl Kali I think you'll both get along great." Ekko answered excitement evident in his voice.

"Oh, so you finally got a girlfriend congra- "Oliver was interrupted off by Ekko punching him in the arm

"We aren't dating nerd." Ekko said lightly sore about it.

"Alas poor Yorick for he died of blue balls." Oliver teased.

Yasuo piqued in, "Alright, that's enough torturing of our poor Ekko, get in the car and let's go." Ekko gave him a playful glare while Oliver threw his hands up in resignation. Getting into Oliver's sedan. They started to drive to The Last Drop. It was a little dive bar they had found while trying to hide from fans one night.

Pulling up outside they found Jinx waiting for them.

"About time you all got here I was starting to worry that you got scared off when you heard that "THE Akali" was going to be here." Jinx said picking on Oliver.

"Honestly, I was just too busy giving Ekko hell. They're gone like 7 months out of the year I need to pick on him whenever I have the opportunity. Our favorite heel wearing short stack needs someone to keep his ego in check." Oliver said giving Jinx a high five.

"They're platforms!" Ekko yelled at him, getting ready to try and jump on him.

"Both of you enough we're here to have a good time not fight save that for tomorrow." Yasuo intervened, grabbing both by the back of the neck. Jinx laughed at the shenanigans occurring before quickly ushering them all inside. They quickly found the table and met with the rest of them.

"Well, look at what the cat or I guess Yasuo dragged in." Senna smiled looking at both her bandmates and friend.

"Alright Yas, you can put me down now I'll play nice." Oliver sighed out. Yasuo let him go and Olive gave Senna, Jinx, and Qiyani a hug.

"So, you must be the "legendary" Oliver I've heard about." A new voice spoke standing at what he guesses was a little over 5 ft with platinum blonde hair.

"And you must be the fabled Akali that Ekko won't shut up about." Oliver responded holding his hand out.

"So that's how you know who I am because of Ekko?" Akali asked with a slightly shocked expression on her face.
"Well yeah, why should I know you from somewhere else?" Oliver asked genuine confusion on his face.

Senna spoke up interjecting herself into the conversation, "She's also apart of K/D/A Oliver."

"I'm sorry should I know who that is?" Oliver asked confusion evident on his face.

Akali looked at him slightly slack-jawed, "Super popular pop group millions of fans worldwide?" Akali tried to explain.

"Sorry not a clue pop really isn't my sound." Oliver awkwardly said rubbing the back of his head.

"Speaking of sound how's that little project of yours going?" Qiyana asked.

"So far so good, we've finished our first EP and while you guys were on tour, we did a little tour of our own hitting a lot of underground clubs and venues." Oliver answered lightly, punching Jinx in the shoulder.

"What?! And you didn't tell us man..." Ekko said dejectedly.

"Hey sometimes an opportunity arises, and you must take it. Besides, I like to think we killed it what about you Jinx?" Oliver responded looking over to his bandmate with a light smirk on his face.

Jinx just smiled and threw up a thumbs up, "Remember that one person who kept trying to hit on me?"

Oliver let out a small shutter, "Don't get me started if it wasn't for Vi taking care of him I would've."

"So, you guys are in a band?" Akali asked even more interested in the duo in front of her.

"Yeah, it's just the two of us. We're called Echoes of Helia." Oliver answered honestly.

The night continued with Akali becoming acquainted with Oliver and Jinx. After a few hours of eating and hanging out they were all getting ready to head out and separate for the night.

"So, Oliver you need a ride back home?" Yasuo asked.

"No thanks man, I think I'm going to go do some tagging tonight I'm feeling particularly "creative"." Oliver answered.

Akali's ears piqued up hearing the conversation, "So you're an artist too?!" She said a little too excitedly. Oliver simply nodded.

"Great I know a good place; Hop on I'll take you to it." Akali said getting on her motorcycle. Oliver just shrugged and fist bumped Ekko and Yasuo before getting on with her as they drove into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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