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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕
Provoking a Sole Rival

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"Wake up!"

The voice pierces through your dreams, compelling you to open your eyes. As you sit up, beads of sweat dotting your forehead, you could pass for a wet dog in your disheveled state. "What's wrong with you?" Velvet blurts out. "You look pale," she adds, concern etched on her face. Veneer enters the room with a bucket full of water, calling out, "Is she awake?" Velvet, still in her worn outfit, displays signs of a taxing day, while Veneer, clad in comfortable sleepwear, rushes over, panting from the weight of the bucket.

The same clothes you've seen them in not too long ago.

"You passed out outta nowhere!" Veneer announces dramatically, reaching the bed with hands on his knees as if he just ran a marathon, the bucket filled with water proving to be a worthy opponent against his stamina. "I thought you were dead!" he explains with exaggerated concern. Velvet rolls her eyes, muttering, "I had to endure 12 minutes of crying," as she brings a hand to your head. "You were squirming a lot. Did you have a bad dream?" she asks, a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

A bad dream?

That can't be right.

Lost in a vivid reverie, you find yourself sitting in silence, memories flooding in and prompting an involuntary squeeze of your legs together. "Seriously, [name]?" you chide yourself internally. Images of your boss play like a reel, a scenario that leaves you groaning and wiping sweat off your chin with your wrist; you were sure it was real. The sensation of having your boss in your mouth, the touching, the moaning - was it all just a dream?

Your train of thought gets cut short with Velvet's complaint. "Well, that's the last time I'm leaving Ven in charge." Velvet announced in disappointment. "I'm sorry, something weird happened..." you trail off, catching yourself inadvertently fixating on Veneer's lips for a moment too long. With an awkward cough, you shift your attention to Velvet, desperately attempting to forget about the memory. "How did today go?" you inquire, mustering a forced smile to feign interest. "Ew, don't do that. I know you don't care, but I sorted everything out for you. You're welcome," Velvet retorts with an eye roll, gracefully rising from her seat. She flips her long, emerald-green hair, nonchalantly inspecting her perfectly manicured nails. Fixing you with a gaze, she casually tosses a card onto your lap.

"Oh yeah, we got an invite."

"A party?" Your question hangs in the air as both Velvet and Veneer scour through their clothes, seeking the perfect outfit. "Yeah, some sort of celebrity get-together," Velvet responds, casting a quick once-over in your direction. "Are you sure you can come? I don't want you passing out; it's a bit too labor-intensive to pretend to care in public," she scoffs. "If you're tired, just stay at home," she suggests, her practicality cutting through the event excitement. Despite the brusque tone, a smile tugs at your lips - the familiarity of home, the house she shares with her brother, a place you've come to consider your own.

"No, I'm fine," you assure with a chuckle. Your eyes shift to Veneer, who's endearingly throwing himself into a pile of clothes in his closet - a wholesome sight that momentarily sidetracked you from the dream-induced tension. "I need to distract myself anyway," you blurt out, redirecting your focus to the invitation card, determined to immerse yourself in the upcoming event.

⠁𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐋𝐄 ★༉ ( Velvet and Veneer x Reader ) (Trolls Band Together)Where stories live. Discover now