"Oh, uh, I was supposed to give this to you."

He dug around in his pocket before pulling out a tiny black object. At first glance, it looked like a small rock. But upon further inspection, Kassidy realized it was an earpiece. She glanced around the hallway to make sure nobody was paying attention before taking it from Peter and placing it in her ear carefully.

"Thanks." Kassidy said, sending a curt nod towards Peter.

"Yeah, no problem." Peter replied, falling silent. "You look nice."

Kassidy's cheeks went red, and she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Uh- thanks, uh, you do too." she stammered, nodding up at Peter.

"T-thank you-,"

"Alright, let's go, let's go!" Mr. Harrington exclaimed, clapping his hands as he sped down the hallway. "No time like today, people!"

The students glumly followed Mr. Harrington out of the hotel, where the fun that they were going to be missing out on was showcased. Most of them threw insults and complaints towards Mr. Harrington under their breath, while Peter and Kassidy looked around worriedly.

"There's a lot of people out here, Peter." Kassidy observed, trying to push through the crowd. "This is going to be difficult."

Peter gulped slightly, and nodded his head. His hand had interlinked itself with Kassidy's as they zigzagged through the crowd.

"It'll be fine." he reassured the girl, although he didn't sound convinced. "It always is."

Kassidy furrowed her eyebrows and nodded her head, hoping he was right.

Suddenly, a slight fuzziness erupted in Kassidy's ear, and she turned her head to look at Peter. His facial expression told her he was hearing the same.

"Parker, Travors, do you copy?" Maria Hill's voice asked. "Comm check, one, two."

Kassidy cleared her throat, glancing around at her classmates. As she looked over her shoulder, she noticed MJ's eyes on her.

Trying to avoid suspicion, Kassidy pretended to whisper something in Peters ear. "Copy." she whispered. "We both copy."

Finally, the class arrived at the theatre, which was completely empty aside from a few elderly couples who wouldn't have had much fun at the festival.

"Okay, here we are." Mr. Harrington smiled, looking around. "Beat the rush."

"Yeah, the rush out." Mr. Dell remarked, rolling his eyes.

"Lucky for us, we got the best seats in the house." Mr. Harrington continued, ignoring his colleagues comment.

The two teachers led the class down to the front row, where most followed, although they didn't want to. Kassidy held back, along with Peter. Brad sent a glare over his shoulder towards the two, but continued his trek to his seat anyway.

"You coming?"

Kassidy turned to see MJ looking at her expectantly, her eyebrows raised. She bit her lip in nervousness. She would have to find some sort of excuse to hold of the girl. MJ was smart, however, and definitely wouldn't believe just anything.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna run to the bathroom first, though." Kassidy explained, pointing over her shoulder. "You know how small my bladder is."

MJ looked as though she wanted to question her friend, but decided it wasn't worth the argument. "Parker?" she asked, turning to Peter.

"I think I'll also... do that." Peter lied, glancing at Kassidy. "No way can I sit for 4 hours."

MJ looked between the two teens before sighing slightly and heading down the stairs and towards the rest of the class. She found a seat right next to Brad, who still had his attention on Peter and Kassidy.

"Are you in position?"

Fury's aggressive voice had suddenly erupted in Kassidy's ear, causing her to cringe and hold her ear slightly. "No." she replied, beginning to leave the room.

Peter lingered for a moment longer, watching as Brad flipped him off from below.


Nothing Without You - Peter Parker [2]Where stories live. Discover now