4: fury

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LATER that night, after Kassidy and Peter had been cleaned up and reunited with their class, the kids gathered in the lobby, watching the recount of what had happened earlier

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LATER that night, after Kassidy and Peter had been cleaned up and reunited with their class, the kids gathered in the lobby, watching the recount of what had happened earlier.

"Pepper, I promise I'm okay." Kassidy stood in the corner, speaking to Pepper over the phone in a hushed voice. "That new guy did most of the work anyway."

"Kassidy, I need you to be careful, okay?" Pepper pleaded. Kassidy could practically see the worried woman chewing her fingernails on the other side of the phone, something she learned she did while nervous. "I can't have you getting hurt."

"I won't, I promise." Kassidy told the woman. "Okay. Bye."

Kassidy bid Pepper farewell before hanging up the phone and rejoining her class. She walked towards the group before stopping and leaning against the railing of the stairs.

"BuzzFeed says there's a sailor, Morris Bench, who was exposed to an experimental underwater generator and got hydro powers." Flash informed the group, reading off of his phone.

"Yeah, you should definitely believe everything you believe on the internet." MJ told the boy, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Spider-Man could take him." Flash said, glancing up at the TV. "And Ultra-Violet."

Kassidy stifled a small laugh, and only shook her head. Her attention was directed to Mr. Dell and Mr. Harrington after she heard her name; or, moreover, her alter-ego's name.

"I'm telling you, she's a witch." he theorized. "She's got everyone under a spell. I read an article on it."

Kassidy shook her head in amusement, but kept her attention directed on the TV, along with her other classmates.

"Who is that guy?" Betty asked as the green hero flashed onto the screen.

"He's like Iron Man and Thor rolled into one." Brad decided.

"He's all right." Flash scoffed. "He's no Spider-Man."

"What is it with you and Spider-Man?" MJ asked, an amused smile on her face.

"What?" Flash asked, turning to look at the girl. "He's just awesome, okay? He protects the neighbourhood and, you know, he's inspiring. He inspires me to be a better man."

Kassidy tried her best to stifle her giggles, but she failed as she caught sight of Peter walking up and standing next to her.

"What's up dickwad?" Flash greeted, his eyes now on Peter. "Thought you drowned."

Peter and Kassidy exchanged looks, both having amused smiles on their faces.

"Sounds like his name's Mysterio." Brad said, listening to the TV.

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