Sick(not with love)-dayasco

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Once again, my stupid dumb bestie helped me write this so its really fucking stupid ggdgrggrgegr. Alternative title. :dayas almost funeral. Erm alright idfk what to do for these
Fluff, no tw

Daya might be sick. Her throat was on fire, her head was aching, her legs were shaking and the world around her was quaking (I'm so sorry my friend told me to write this 😭😭😭😭😭) and as little as daya wanted to admit it, she was probably sick. And unfortunately for her, bosco was very aware of this.

"Sweetie, you might be sick" Bosco said as she ran her hand over her hot and now sweaty forehead. "No trust me Sco, I'm fine" daya said between sniffles. Bosco shook her head, and left to go get the thermometer from their bathroom.

Once Bosco had grabbed the thermometer, some medicine for daya, and a extra blanket, she sat by dayas side,peeling the blanket off of her partner. Bosco put the thermometer under  dayas tongue, rubbing her thumb over her cheek.

"102, you're staying in bed today love" Bosco said as she read the number off of the thermometer. Daya groaned, pulling the blanket over her head. "That stupid thing is lying" daya muffled from under the sheets.

Bosco slipped under the blankets, running her hands over dayas sides, trying to comfort her."I'm sorry baby, is there anything I can get you?" Daya shook her head, snuggling into boscos arms.

Bosco pressed kisses all over dayas face, making her giggle. "Babe, you're gonna get me sick" daya said through giggles. "I would get sick for you angel" Daya kissed boscos forehead, before sitting up to take her medicine.

2 hours later (in the spongebob narrarator voice)

daya and bosco had been cuddling in their shared bed for the last 2 hours, not bothering to do anything productive. the only reason bosco ever got up was to get daya more medicine. they lay in each others embrace with not a care in the world (little did they know that soon after bosco would get sick)

Hey yall as you can tell ip in my active era again 😜😜😜 anyways i know this short and kinda stupid but im working on a kinda long thing so yea idgaf. Pls request i have no motivation rn. also shoutout to my kinda co-writer for my two most recent fics (ily pooks)
written 12/3 edited 12/4 published 12/5
word count: 410

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