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"Kells let's go!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay okay." He says coming down.

I smiled at him as he gave me a quick little peck. I followed him to the living room where Celeste and Cj are playing. I picked Celeste up and kells picked Cj up. He hugged him tight and we started walking.

He grabbed the keys and we headed to the car.

We put the babies in their car seats and got in the front. Kells pulled out of the driveway and started our adventure to Rooks house.

On the way there we blasted his music. Cj and Celeste trying to say the words. They are a year and a half old, it's crazy. Cj and Celeste got Colson's bright white hair and his baby blue eyes. The only thing they got from me was my nose. I'm glad they look like him though, he's gorgeous.

We ended up pulling up to rooks. We got out but he grabbed Celeste this time and i got Cj.

We walked to the front door and i knocked. It took him a while but he finally answered.

"Y/n! Kells!" He said coming in for a hug.

We hugged him back and he immediately grabbed Cj out of my hands.

"And how are you little man." He said tickling him.

We walked in and are greeted by Travis, Baze, Slim, Dom, Matthew, Pete and Casie.

It's an early Friendsgiving. We decided to do it on sunday the 19th for some reason.

Casie dragged me to Colson to grab Celeste so we could go to the living room and play with her.

I picked her out of his hands and we headed to the living room. I left Celeste with Casie to go grab toys that i left for stuff like this.

I grabbed some pony's and some barbie dolls. I walked back to the living room and saw Casie ticking Celeste and she was laughing so hard. I quietly grabbed Colson and dragged him so he could see. You could feel his smile when you looked at it.

"She looks happy." He said holding my hand.

"They both do." I said kissing his cheek.

I walked back to them and handed Casie a barbie doll. We played for about 5 minutes before Rook made everyone come to the dinner table.

I sat next to Kells of course with Celeste and Cj by me. Baze was next to Slim who was next to Dom who was next to Matthew who was next to Travis who was next to Pete and he was next to Casie and Casie was next to Kells.

I can't eat turkey because it makes me sick so i always eat ham. I get green beans and mashed potatos and some rolls. Everyone else gets plate fulls of everything.

"That's absolute bullshit." Pete says.

"What? It's true, Celeste looks more like Kells than Cj does." Baze says.

"Now that is bullshit." I said. "Cj is Kells twin." I say before shoving green beans in my mouth.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Baze says rolling his eyes.

I slightly laugh to myself. I can feel kells hand lightly lay on my thigh. I talk my right hand and hold his tight. He looked over at me and smiled.

I kissed him on the cheek and went back to eating. I fed some food to Cj and Celeste and they were out cold. Luckily Rook set up a room for when he babysits. I laid them down in their beds and went back to the group.

Everyone was done eating so Slim and Pete were washing the dishes, why them? I found Kells, Baze, Rook, Dom, Matthew, Casie and Travis in the living room.

Kells waved me over so i walked over and sat on his lap. He looked at me for a while before talking to Rook. I know he wanted to say something but he didn't. Weird.

I heard Celeste start crying so i got up and got her. Cj was still out cold so i let him sleep. As soon as i. brought her out everyone wanted to take her. I politely denied those requests to hold her because she just woke up and needs time to be aware of her surroundings.

I sat next to kells and held her in my arms.

"Did you sleep good my baby?" I said smiling down on her.

As i looked up i realized everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I said slightly laughing.

"We're just admiring how happy you look." Kells said.

I smiled at him then continued to talk to Celeste.

It was time to leave the friendsgiving party. I grabbed Cj and Celeste and brought them to the car. I buckled then in their carseat and walked back up to Pete and Rook.

I hugged Pete than hugged Rook. I told them thank you for everything. Soon enough Casie came running up to us. She hugged me tight and i hugged her back.

Pete was taking her back home for kells.

"Next time we can hangout i'll take you on a shopping spree okay?" I asked Casie.

"That sounds awesome." She says slightly giggling.

She hugged Kells and they talked for a little. We said bye to everyone and made our way to the car. We got in and started driving away.

"What were you gonna say?" I said looking at kells.

"What?" He asked turning the car onto the highway.

"When i was sitting on your lap." I could see his mind click.

"I want another baby." The words hit me like a brick.

I sat there thinking of how to respond.

"You want another one?" I say questioning my own words.

"Yes." He says looking over at me.

"Okay." I say smiling.

"Okay." He says smiling back at me.

He wants another kid, so. why not give him another one? We can make it work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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