Chapter 3 - How Some Lives Stay The Same

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Neyetam pov-

I'm sitting on the beach with Tuk just looking at the ocean.

“Do you think Lo'ak is alone or with a new clan?” Tuk asks

“Only Eywa knows”

“I hope he is happy, he wasn't really happy here” Tuk says as her ear went down.

“I'm should he doing alright Tuk” i said as I hug her from the side

I really hope he is doing fine, I promise myself to protect him since the first time I saw him but I failed him. As his older brother I was to protect all my younger siblings but I couldn't. I know my mother and father doesn’t call him my brother but he is still my brother, no matter what they say not even Eywa can change that.

“I pray to Eywa that we can see him again” Tuk say

“I am too Tuk” I say as I hug her tighter

“Me too” we hear someone say behind us, as we look back we see Krir

“Hi Kiri, is everything okay?” I Tuk ask

“I can ask you guys the same thing” She said as she sits down with us

“We’re just thinking” Tuk told her

“Mo’at came today for the festival and just found out about Lo’ak” Kiri told us

“I still can’t believe they didn’t tell her until now, if she was here that day lo’ak would still be here” I said

“Yeah, she fighting with dad and mom at home right now” Kiri said

“That’s what you're here” Tuk ask Kiri and she nods back

-Jake pov-

Me and Neytiri are fighting with mo’at all because lo’ak got banned from the clan

“He is your son and you did nothing about the matter!” Mo’at yell at us

“He is no longer my son” I told her

“Mother he was banned because he had try to kill some warriors” Neytiri told her

“And you did nothing to show he was innocent, he was just a child!” Mo’at just keep yelling at us

“There was nothing we could do, he always brought shame to this family” I told her

“May Eywa give me strength and forgiveness on your souls” Mo’at said then walk out

“Neytiri what we did was the best thing we did?”

“It was for the best ma Jake”

“Best for who though?”

Neytiri just look at me sad then looks down

{{Paused}}A Dance With Love - Lo'ak x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin