Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

He let the boy climb onto the bed with him for a moment before finally getting up for the day. Unfortunately, the kids weren't allowed to sleep in their bed, even if they had a nightmare. It was a rule from their agency for safety reasons, which Ben understood why. It was supposed to, not only protect the kids but them as foster parents as well, against any potential allegations that could happen. He didn't see any harm in letting Miguel climb onto their bed, as long as he was sitting above the covers and just for a few minutes. In his opinion, kids needed moments like that.

Ben had showered yesterday when they had gotten home from the fair, sweaty and gross from walking around. It wasn't near as hot as it had been a month ago. But walking around with the sun blaring on them even with cooler temperatures still caused him to work up a sweat. So he just needed to get dressed for the day after sending Miguel back to his room to get dressed as well.

Before going downstairs, he gently woke Mary, checking to make sure she still wanted to come to church with them.

Kayla returned from her morning run while the three of them were eating breakfast, sweaty and her hair pulled back in a long ponytail. "The other two are still sleeping, I take it?" she asked while refilling her water bottle at the fridge.

"Yup," Ben replied.

Once she rehydrated, Kayla kissed each one before heading upstairs to shower.

Ben told the siblings to put their dishes in the sink for now. Mary had helped her brother put his shoes on so they were able to get out the door soon after breakfast. They made it to the church on time to get Miguel checked in while Mary hurried off to chat with her friends before the youth pastor started the middle school youth group.

The church staff and the usuals happily greeted Ben and the siblings the moment they arrived on site and continued as he finally headed inside the main auditorium. While he waited for the sermon to start, Ben made small talk with a couple they were friends with, catching up with them.

The sermon was the last of the generosity series the pastors had been teaching on for the last month or so.

Ben hoped the sermon would help with what was on his mind, but it usually did not work that way despite hearing stories of how pastors would preach a message that someone out there needed to hear. Sure, sometimes something that got said could help someone, and maybe someone else needed a message on being generous. Ben and Kayla were usually good at tithing and sharing with someone who needed help, financially.

Ben found himself going in and out of it while listening. They had been going to church for a couple of years now since buying their house and getting settled to start the fostering process. So, he had heard this series preached at least once or twice already. Plus, usually by the end of the series, Ben checked out anyway. Be generous to God first, save some for yourself for a rainy day, then give to others. Got it.

Thankfully, the series was only forty minutes long and the pastor who was teaching this time had some funny laughs to keep them awake now and then. As Kayla pointed out, the main reason for Ben to come this week was to socialize with other adults. He barely had time to stand before Ben was ambushed by Beth, who was in the same women's group as Kayla.

After she talked his ear off and asked how he was doing, which he kept things vague, she invited him, Kayla, and the kids over for lunch.

"I would have to talk it over with Kayla. We just had a busy day at the fair yesterday and I'm sure everyone's tired," he told her, politely. "Plus, one of our kiddos has a family visit this afternoon."

"Not a problem," she reassured him with a wave of her hand. "Maybe we can do something next weekend... Wait, we've got something next weekend." Beth held a finger pointed under her chin as she got lost in thought. Eventually, Beth said she would check her calendar and talk it over with Kayla the following Monday since this Monday was Halloween, and the women's group would be canceled.

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