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It was Sunday morning. Louis woke up to a cold bed. He looked around to make sure that Harry really wasn't there with him. Then he got up and made his way into the living room.
Louis looked around once more, searching for his phone, but he didn't see it anywhere.

"Good morning." he walked on Harry making breakfast for them.
"Good morning." Harry glanced at him. When he noticed the frown on Louis' face, he fixed his eyes on him with a frown.
"What's up?" Harry asked him.
Louis took a bit of time before he answered.
"Have you seen my..." he suddenly forgot the word.
"You know my... that thing. That thing that..." Louis felt so embarrassed for not knowing.
"What thing Louis?" Harry asked, his voice low.
"The thing you call people with?" Harry put the pan with eggs off the stove.
"You mean your phone?" Louis nodded as he looked down to his feet.
"It was on your bedside table last night." Louis nodded, standing there for a few more, before he retreated into the bedroom.
Harry was feeling bad about this interaction. He didn't expect this, at least not yet. He thought Louis had months before those symptoms would arise. Apparently, he was wrong.

Louis was getting worse much more quickly. Harry noticed it all. He tried to play it cool, not wanting to make Louis feel bad about it, but it was hard.
One evening when Harry was leaving work, he noticed his boyfriend was waiting for him outside.
"Boo? What are you doing here?" Louis looked up at him with a smile.
"Thought we could go for a walk. Unless you are too tired and would rather go home." Harry smiled.
"No. A walk would actually be nice right now." he tried to smile back at him.
"Okay." Louis showed him a big smile as he put his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket. Harry put his bag into the car before he joined Louis again.

They strolled down the street, making their way towards the park, where one of their very first dates had taken place.
"Do you remember how we went to the park together the first time?" Harry asked.
"Of course I do, Harry. I will never forget that." Harry nodded, but he knew he most likely was going to forget. Harry was afraid, he was going to forget what they went through together as a pair, how much Harry loved him. He tried to show him and remind him everyday. He thought he had years to do that just some time back, but he apparently only had a couple of months and he wanted Louis to experience all those amazing things a relationship could offer while he had the chance to.

Harry snapped out of his trance when Louis kept bumping into his body as they walked.
Suddenly Louis stopped in his tracks.
Harry noticed, turning towards him and stopping as well.
"Is something wrong?" Louis shook his head.
"No, not at all." he tried to put a smile on his lips.
"Lou, I am here for you." Louis just shook his head and carried on walking. Harry watched him walk away, noticing how his body went more to the left from time to time.

Harry pulled out his phone in the meanwhile, once again reading through all those symptoms of glioblastoma multiforme. He had the tab open in his safari browser all the time, ready to use.

Symptoms might include difficulty with balance.

Harry pulled himself together, knowing he had to be strong for Louis. He caught up to him, wrapping his arm around his left arm, making sure that Louis could walk normally with a bit of guidance of his.

"So, would you like to get a kebab like we did the first time?"
"I'd like that. Thank you." Louis nodded, making Harry smile at him.

They made their way towards the same place, Harry opening the door for Louis just as he did the last time.
"Would you mind sitting down? It's pretty damn cold outside now." Harry rubbed his hand up and down Louis' back.
"Yeah, staying here while we eat sounds nice." Louis leaned more into Harry's side.
"I'd like the basic kebab with a coke, please." Louis pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek.
"Okay. I am gonna order. You can sit down in the meanwhile." Louis did as told, choosing a table in the back of that place.

He looked outside of the window, seeing an old pair walking down the street. One of the guys was dressed very chic while the other was just dressed in sporty "ugly" clothes. They held hands as they strolled down the street. That sight made Louis sad. He realized he was never going to see Harry with grey hair.
"Our food is here. I am pretty hungry." Harry sat down across from his boyfriend, opening his box of food.
Louis only sighed, opening his.
He wasn't hungry at all. He was just feeling really sad. He felt like crawling under a blanket and staring at the ceiling in their bedroom.

"Love?" Harry sounded worried, which made Louis look up.
"Is something wrong? Do you not like the food? Is something wrong with it?" Louis only shook his head.
"It's great." he put a piece of meat into his mouth.
He looked out on the street again, not feeling like talking in that very moment.

Louis hadn't talked to Harry for the rest of their little date.
As soon as they arrived home, Louis left him alone in order to take a shower. Harry sighed as he sat down behind the kitchen table. He was afraid he was already losing him.

Louis let his guard down as soon as he turned on the water in the shower.
"Man the fuck up!" he told himself.
"Harry is so nice to you and all you do is being an ass to him." Louis let the tears spill.
"I don't want to make him sad." Louis slowly slided down to the ground, pulling his knees under his chin as the warm water rained down on him.

He walked out of the bathroom with his hoodie and pants on, seeing that Harry was sitting at the table.
"I am sorry about the date. I fucked it up." Harry looked up, not expecting to hear his voice yet.
"Don't be sorry. It's okay-" but Louis interrupted him, shanking his head.
"Okay? Okay?! Nothing about that was okay. I just made you upset." Louis felt his eyes staring to burn thanks to the tears.
"No, don't say stuff like that. You just felt bad. I could see it and it's okay you didn't feel like talking about it. I just want you to know that I'm here if you need to talk about anything." Louis was a bit taken aback.

"I felt bad, that's true." he thought Harry didn't know that much about how he felt, but he could see he did.
"Still want to apologize for ruining it." Harry got up, making his way over to Louis.
"It's okay, love. Why don't you go wait for me into the bed? Your lips are turning purple. Make the bed warm for us, hm?" Harry stroke his cheek.
"Okay." Louis blushed, leaving the kitchen.
Harry sighed as he made his way into the bathroom himself.

Louis was sitting in the middle of the bed with the covers reaching up to his chin.
However, he was still feeling a bit cold. When Harry came in, he smiled up at the taller boy.
"Warm?" Louis shook his head.
"I am still slightly cold."
"Oh boo." Harry climbed into the bed, pulling Louis close.
"You are warm though." Harry just chuckled as a response to that.
"Yeah. You make sure to tell me that every night."

Harry ran his hand through Louis' hair a couple of times. He got more comfortable, keeping his boy close to him while thinking about how tomorrow was going to be.
"Are you going to sleep, Lou?" Harry didn't get an answer as Louis was already sound asleep in his hold. He was really tired after that day.
"Good night." Harry placed a kiss into Louis' hair before he turned out the bedside lamp.

Hi. New chapter is here. Hope you liked it.
Sending love x

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