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It had been a week since Louis moved in with Harry. He realized that living with Harry was probably the best thing that he could ever do. He got cuddled every night, Harry made him amazing food, and he could kiss him for as long as he wished for.

Louis had quit his job. He was mostly staying at home. He was going through a harsher period again, so he was just lying in bed and trying to sleep.

When Harry arrived home one friday night, he didn't find Louis in his pajamas asleep. He was dressed and, most importantly, he was cleaning.

"Hey?" Harry hang his coat, seeing Louis was mopping the floor in front of him.
"Hey. I thought I could help." Louis smiled.
"Can't be that badly done. After all, I got paid for this for several years." Harry came up to him, capturing his lips in a kiss.
Louis didn't expect that straight away.
"If that's what I'm gonna get each time I clean, I'm definitely gonna do that more often." Louis smirked, making Harry shake his head in amusement.

It was obvious that Louis was feeling better.
"Would you like to order some food tonight? Whatever you'd like." Harry said.
"Could we go out to eat? If that doesn't bother you or if-" harry interrupted him.
"No, it doesn't bother me. We can go."
"Okay, I am almost finished." Louis got back to work in order to finish the rest of the living room off.

"How is the weather?" Louis asked when he came back to the living room once he put the mop away.
"It's a bit colder. Take something warm." Harry smiled at him.
Louis smiled in response, retreating into the bedroom to get his jacket. He was already wearing a sweather and this next layer had to be enough. He also put his grey beanie on before he walked back into the living room. Harry was still standing in the same place, waiting for him.

"You look nice." Harry checked Louis up and down.
"I look the same as any other day." the blue eyed brunette chuckled.
"Well, you always look nice." Harry made him blush.
"Let's go?" Louis made his way over to the door.

They decided to walk, even though they still hadn't decided on where to eat.
Louis was glad to be able to go outside. He was locked in the flat most of the time.

There was some guy walking in their direction. He bumped into Harry, stopping and turning towards him.
"What do you think you are doing bitch?" he spat, obviously drunk.
Harry was shocked and he didn't know how to respond.
The guy made a step closer towards Harry, which made Louis step in front of his boyfriend.
"Get away from him."
"Oh, you think someone like you can stop me?" Louis was growing furious.
"Yes, I very much do think so." Louis stared directly into his eyes.
"Get the fuck away from him!" the shorter brunette took a step closer, making the guy take a step back. It wasn't until he saw Louis reaching out that he turned around and ran away.

Harry was still in shock.
"You alright?" Louis turned back towards him, grabbing him by his coat and making sure he was in one piece.
"I am." he nodded, still processing what Louis had done for him.
The taller one leaned in, capturing Louis' lips in a kiss.
"Thank you." his voice was barely above a whisper.
"I wouldn't let anyone touch you." Louis smiled at him before they both began to walk again.
Harry loved how protective Louis was of him.

"Where are we gonna eat?" Louis finally asked.
"I thought about Italian. Do you like Italian?" Louis nodded.
"Yeah, I am a pasta lover." he chuckled.

Louis was positive he hadn't ever been to such a nice restaurant. They got a huge plate of pasta and even though they had enough, Harry insisted on taking one more meal to go in case they got hungry later at night. Louis wouldn't be able to afford any of those meals just a few weeks ago. In Louis opinion, Harry was spoiling him way too much.

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