Start from the beginning

I flinched but like she had said, the gel warmed quickly. My heartbeat increased when she pulled the machine closer. Much to my shock, the pregnancy test was positive. I didn't want to get my hopes up for nothing. It could just be a false positive. Only an ultrasound would confirm the pregnancy.

"Okay, let's see what we have here." She moved the chair closer and then pressed the wand against my stomach over the gel.

I gripped the sides of the narrow bed tightly and glanced over to the wall where David stood. Valeria was called away when we arrived at the hospital. Although she didn't tell me what had happened, I could tell that whatever it was, was very important. David had offered to go with me and I had jumped to accept his offer.

I was scared.

"I've been told that you suffered from a miscarriage," Doc Ali said softly. "It's rare for this to happen but not all women are so lucky. Sometimes the fetus only makes it up to around eight weeks before another miscarriage occurs."

I had to swallow a few times before I could find my voice. "So you're saying that even if I'm pregnant, there's a chance that I'll miscarry again?"

Her eyes darted over to mine for a second. "Not necessarily. With the right care, you'll be able to carry the baby full-term."

If I was in fact still pregnant, I prayed that I wouldn't lose the baby again. I didn't realize how much I wanted a baby until I thought I lost one. So what if Silas and I weren't married yet? We loved each other and that was enough to start a family, right?

I opened my eyes and stared at David. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and his attention completely focused on the screen of the ultra-sound machine. Was it normal for your to be in-laws to do the things my in-laws have been doing for me? I was sure that your father-in-law wasn't supposed to be with you when you have an ultra-sound, but I was happy that he was here. Although I wished that it was Silas instead.

"There," Doc Ali suddenly exclaimed.

David instantly straightened. His eyes flickered to mine briefly before focusing back on the screen. I sucked in a breath and finally found the courage to turn my head towards the screen. All I saw was a blob of black and grey but David and Doc Ali seemed to be seeing more than me.

"You're pregnant."

"How far along?" David asked softly.

"It's hard to tell for sure," she muttered. "If you can give me the dates, I can make some calculations."


Doc Ali gave me a smile. "The last date you and your mate had sex; or a date close to that."

Colour flooded my cheeks as embarrassment flooded me. Now that was something you didn't discuss in front of your father-in-law. David cleared his throat but thankfully didn't comment on the doctor's words.

The doctor moved the wand around a bit and frowned. I watched as her brows dipped into a deep frown, which made dread fill me.

"Is something wrong?"

"What doctor treated you before?"

My eyes darted over to David.

"One of the new ones," he answered her. "Doctor Fire or something like that. His surname almost sounded like he was saying fire when he introduced himself."

"I think he needs to ask for his license back." She shifted the wand again and then pointed at the screen. "See that there?" She pointed to an oval shaped circle on the screen. "That's the embryo and now that I have a better view, I'd say you're about five weeks pregnant."

Shock washed through me, followed by excitement and then worry.

"But she was bleeding, I saw it."

"And I had some gramps," I added softly.

"The bleeding could be caused by a lot of things. I can't give you an exact explanation at the moment. I just scanned over your file when I was called." She pressed a few buttons on the machine and then moved the wand away. "I just want to take your measurements and weigh you."

The doctor handed me a paper towel to wipe the gel away. I pushed my shirt back down after wiping my stomach clean and then sat up. My eyes darted around the room as I waited for her to grab everything she needed. Without realizing it my hands drifted down to my stomach. Five weeks pregnant. I had a human being growing inside me.

Silas and I created a life.

I swallowed the lump that suddenly filled my throat. We were going to have a baby and he might not even make it. What if I lost him? I wouldn't be able to raise a baby on my own! We weren't married yet and I didn't even have a job. Then there was the worry of my mother. I couldn't move from place to place once the baby's born. The baby needed a stable home with a mother and a father to give it all the love it needed.


I blinked rapidly but it only made the tears spill over. David stepped closer and placed his hand over mine on my stomach. The small action only made me want to cry harder.

"No matter what happens, we will be there for you and this baby. Silas is a fighter, sweetheart. He will be okay." He bent his knees slightly so we were more eyelevel. "If it comes to it that we have to decide to turn of the machines. If we lose him, you will always be welcome here. You're part of the family, Lara. Both of you."  

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