Red Thoughts*

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"Stop squirming."

You sighed as you obeyed the command. It was just hard to stay still for long when your partner had you standing in your bedroom with your chained wrists attached to a hook on the ceiling and your feet chained to the floor to keep your legs spread open wide.

It had been part of a bet. You started a wager that they couldn't fuck more people than you at a rager. You ended the night with your strong sixteen (and a few extra people wanting to take you home). And when you found Desire, they'd managed to start an orgy of twenty-five. When you asked how many they'd actually fucked, they told you they just finished off the last one. "Some of the people in there are not coming out the same way they went in..."

So, yeah, you lost the bed after failing to mention that orgies were not part of the deal. You would remember it for next time.

But there you were, spread out and waiting for your long night with your beloved.

"Am I going to be here all night? My legs are going to get tired," you complained, leaning your head against your shoulder and raising a brow as Desire prepared.

"Hush," they replied, amused. "Red, black, or white? I'm thinking red tonight."

You shrugged as best you could. "Let's go with red then."

Back still turned to you, they pointed in your direction in agreement and snapped their fingers. You felt your clothes fall away from your body in a dull ash, replaced by a new set of lacey red lingerie to add to your collection.

"Before we begin," they spoke, "tell me your words."

You played with the chains above your head, humming lightly. "Dawn to keep going. Dusk to slow down. Midnight to stop."

"Very good."

They plucked something off the vanity and turned toward you, letting their eyes skim your body with an appreciative gaze. They hummed, "Look at you."

Kissing at them, they breathed a laugh and walked toward you. "Hold still," they ordered, rounding behind you and with cloth in their hands. In the next moment, you were blinded as they wrapped it around your head and tied it securely in the back. Shit.

"Well, you didn't tell me we were doing this," you muttered.

They're voice was close to your ear when they spoke, reverberating in your mind and echoing in your chest. "Hush."

"I'm only saying, a bit of warning woul–"

You were cut off when another piece of cloth was stuffed between your lips, joining the other to wrap around your head and silence you.

You flinched when you felt their fingers graze your sides, starting at your ribs and trailing down to your hips. "Hush," they rasps. "If another sound falls from those sweet lips of yours... it had better be because I made it." You shudder. "Do you understand me, sweetling?"

You nodded. A pleased hum sounds from their throat, their breaths fanning on your shoulder. "Good girl." You could hear the smile in their voice as they dipped down and pressed their lips gingerly to your neck.

They broke away from you in complete silence, and you turned your head around in search of a sound or any light to find them with. You didn't attempt to speak, knowing better than to disobey so close to the beginning.

Your hips jerked when you felt their hot tongue against your cunt, breath hitching as they held the thin cloth of your panties aside to taste you. Another shudder shook through you when the skin once covered by thin lace disappeared, Desire not bothering to deal with them altogether as they left everything else intact.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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