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Wriothesley jerked back and blew on his stinged fingers, a curse falling from his lips.

"That's what you get for trying to rush," he muttered, glaring at the kettle on the stove. "Let the water do its thing, Wriothesley."

It was strange, him getting scorched in the sacred ritual of tea-making. He'd been at it for so many years, he could time the boiling water down to the last tick of the second hand.

But right now, his mind was elsewhere. 

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He needed to focus. He had a fortress to run, after all. But as he reached for the tea leaves, his hand paused. He found himself pulling out the tin of chamomile instead - Y/n's favorite. He hesitated for a moment before shrugging and setting the kettle back on the stove.

He carefully poured the boiling water over the chamomile leaves, the steam carrying the familiar, soothing scent around the kitchen. He took a deep breath, allowing the calmness to wash over him.

With the steaming cup in his hand, he made his way into his office. He knew she'd probably tease him about the chamomile, about how he was turning soft. But if it brought a smile to her face, if it made her feel a little bit safer, then it was worth it.

He'd do anything for her.

As he walked through the door, he was greeted by the familiar sight of Y/n. She was sitting in his desk chair, her eyes scanning the pages of the history encyclopedia. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were still red and puffy, but to him, she was beautiful.

He cleared his throat, and Y/n looked up. A small smile graced her lips, and Wriothesley found himself smiling in return.

"Chamomile?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"I thought you might want to relax a bit," Wriothesley replied, handing her the cup. "It's not a good time to start your caffeine addiction just yet."

Y/n took the cup from him, her fingers brushing against his. She took a sip and sighed. "Thanks," she murmured.

Wriothesley stood beside her, his gaze focused on her.

"Are you going to just stand there and watch me, or are you going to sit down and keep me company?" Y/n's voice cut through the silence.

Wriothesley snapped back to reality. "Sorry," he chuckled, pulling up a chair. "Got lost in my own head there for a minute."

Y/n's eyes crinkled with amusement. "You've been doing that a lot lately. Care to share what's on your mind?"

Wriothesley paused, his gaze lingering on her.

"I was thinking about how beautiful you look right now," he said softly, his grey eyes meeting her e/c ones.

Y/n blinked, surprise and delight registering on her face. She looked down, a shy smile tugging at her lips.

Wriothesley chuckled. "Well, I can't help it if my mind wanders to you."

Their conversation flowed naturally after that, their worries and fears forgotten, if only for a moment.

Wriothesley listened attentively as Y/n recounted facts from the encyclopedia, his heart warming at the sight of her animated expression.

In turn, Y/n listened with interest as Wriothesley shared the latest updates from the fortress guards, his grey eyes shining with excitement as he talked about the future.

It was these moments that made everything else worthwhile. The nightmares, the sleepless nights, the worry - they were all worth it.

Without realizing it, they had moved from the desk to the small sofa in the corner of Wriothesley's office. It was a subtle shift, so quiet and unnoticeable that neither of them could pinpoint exactly when it happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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