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Description: Originally, when Gyomei felt something pushing against his arm, he instinctively moved his hand to pet it, thinking it was one of his many cats wanting attention after seeing him with 2 of the others in his lap.
However, when his hand made contact, he quickly realized it was not one of his needy, jealous cats, but rather his equally needy and probably far more jealous boyfriend.

"Oi, stop just sitting there, and pet me already!"
Sanemi said, looking up at his lover, who quickly obliged to the other's request, rubbing and lightly scratching the back of his head.

"My apologies. It just caught me off guard. You're not usually the type to ask for attention like this, or at all, really."

Sanemi grunted at Gyomei's remark, still pushing his head back into the other's hand as he responded.

"What, am I not allowed to want attention anymore?"
There was no real malice in his voice, but Gyomei went on the defensive anyway.

"No, no, of course not. If you want my attention, I'll give you as much as you like. I'm just not used to you showing your cute side so much."

The cats that were resting in Gyomei's lap quickly got up, realizing they weren't gonna get any more attention now that Sanemi was here.

"You're not used to it because it doesn't exist.
I'm not cute."

Gyomei sighed, pulling his hand out of Sanemi's hair, causing the albino to give him a death glare.

"You're right. You're not cute. You're absolutely adorable!"
Gyomei said, pulling Sanemi into his lap, lathering his face with kisses.

"H-hey, stop that you, you cheesy mother fucker!"
They bought struggled to hold back giggles as Sanemi spoke, busting into laughter as soon as he finished.

"Haha, fuck I'm dying!"
He joked leaning against Gyomei's chest, smiling as he continued to let out small giggles.

"Ha, I love you so much."
Gyomei said, raping an arm around Sanemi's waste, using the other one to hold onto his face as he left a gentle kiss to the crown of his head.

"Mmmm, I love you too, dumbass."

The two joined lips, in a soft, loving kiss. Staying together till they  both fell into the wonderful world of dreams.

As you can see, I'm much better at righting fluffy stuff than I am at smut.
But in all honesty, thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed righting it. Love y'all.

Word count: 418

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