"I know." Aemma gestured for the other babe, who Baelon was more than happy to hand over. "You have never pressured me about the sex of our babe."

Baelon had been aware of the amount of pressure Viserys had placed on Aemma to have a boy, but he did not have the same issues his son did. Baelon already had two sons and he had no problems with a woman inheriting the throne. His sons would be amazing, even if they would never be kings. 

                                                                  Aelyx  Targaryen (Newborn

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                                                                  Aelyx Targaryen (Newborn.)

                                                                Maekar  Targaryen (Newborn

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                                                                Maekar Targaryen (Newborn.)


Nyra smiled as she looked down at the babes, she always wanted brothers and sisters and was happy that at least in this world Rhaenyra would be able to have other children to grow up with. There were so many things different now, so many good things that this Rhaenyra would have. The only black cloud was Viserys, Nyra was aware that Baelon, Aemma, and Daemon had not forgotten about Rhaenyra almost being taken. There would be a confrontation soon and she was not sure what would happen if they found out that Viserys had something to do with Rhaenyra almost being taken and Syrax being hurt. They had been lucky Caraxes had not killed half the people present.

"They are beautiful." Nyra smiled at Aemma, who looked exhausted and like she was glowing at the same time. "I cannot believe you had two boys."

"I know, I was shocked to find out I was having two babes, especially when they told me they were both boys." Aemma shook her head. "Baelon is so happy and so are Rhaenyra and Daemon."

"But you still look worried." Nyra noticed that while Aemma seemed incredibly happy, there was a shadow of worry in her eyes. "I can tell you are worried about something."

"I still cannot believe that Viserys would send Hobert Hightower to take Rhaenyra." Aemma ran the back of her fingers over one of the babes' cheeks. "What was he planning to do? He had to know that he would not be able to get away with it. Baelon, Daemon, and I would never allow him to keep her."

"We should wait until Baelon and Daemon have a chance to speak to Viserys." Nyra wanted to believe that her father would never do something so stupid, that he would not place Rhaenyra's life in danger. "Maybe he did not know, or Hobert took something he said in the wrong way."

"I want to believe that," Aemma said with a sad look on her face. "But there has to be a reason for Hobert Hightower to do what he did. He was able to get inside the godswood without being seen. Only the royal family knows about the secret entrance, not even the kingsguards know."

"Yes." That part was true, Nyra could not explain that part away. She wanted to believe in her father, but he had made so many mistakes that she was not sure what to believe anymore. Nyra looked at the babes once more and let a large smile cover her face. "What are their names?"

"We have not named them yet." Aemma looked at Rhaenyra who appeared to be hypnotized by the babes. "Baelon and I were thinking of something a little different."

Nyra gave Aemma a confused look just as Daemon and Baelon approached the bed.

"We were thinking we wanted you and Rhaenyra to be a part of this also." Baelon smiled at Daemon and ran a hand over Rhaenyra's head. "So Aemma and I thought that you each could name one of the babes."

"Really?" Rhaenyra's voice was full of excitement. "I can name one of the babes?"

"Of course." Baelon smiled and picked up one of the babes, kissing his head before handing him to Daemon. "This one is our oldest."

"He is beautiful," Daemon said as he smiled and stared down at the babe. He seemed to zone out for a few seconds, with a very pleased smile on his face and finally, he looked between Aemma and Baelon. "Aelyx, his name should be Aelyx."

"That is a beautiful name," Aemma said before looking at Rhaenyra. "And you little hatchling, what do you think the name of your youngest brother should be?"

"Hmm." The small girl tilted her head to the side while looking down at the babe. "Maekar, I like that name."

"I like the name also," Baelon said before kissing the top of Rhaenyra's head. "I think it is a wonderful name."

"I think so too," Rhaenyra said before kissing the babe's cheeks. "Uncle Daemon said he would take me to the dragon pit in the morning so I can help him pick the dragons's eggs for the babes."

"That is a great idea," Aemma said, but Nyra saw she looked worried once more. Aemma looked at Daemon and gave him a pleading look. "Take more guards with you please."

"Of course," Daemon answered.

Daemon was not one to have guards with him when he left the castle, but she knew he would do as Aemma asked because he did not want to worry her. Once everything was settled with Aemma and the babes Bealon and Daemon would be traveling to Dragonstone to speak to Viserys. 

                                                      Rhaenyra  Targaryen (18 years old

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                                                      Rhaenyra Targaryen (18 years old.)

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