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"Here, I didn't know what'd you'd like so I just got this."

Junpei hadn't been waiting long for the (hair color) haired girl, but it seemed like a long time while he sat outside the store for a stranger he met less than 15 minutes ago. He had been scrolling through his phone for anything to occupy his time while glancing at the blue bag owned by the (eye color) eyed female that she had just trusted with him to watch over without asking, or maybe she had forgot she set it down, too occupied with helping Yoshino, while also constantly stopping himself from standing up from his spot and walking inside the store himself, just to check up on the girl, Junpei told himself. He just wanted to extend the favor she did to him so she wouldn't use it against him later on. 

After 10 minutes of waiting however, he started to become impatient and worried for her, standing up after convincing himself that she might be in a less than favorable situation and that had him worried. It was right when he took a step is when he saw the familiar Mary Jane's he saw adoring the less-then-stranger's feet where he rushed to throw himself back on the bench to not make it seem suspicious of anything, which (Name) notice but didn't care to mention or bring up. She carried a small plastic bag filled halfway that swung lightly from her arm, and a (can/carton) in her other hand.

When she came closer, (Name) handed Junpei a (can/carton) of (favorite drink), sipping her own as she sat down next to him on the bench with a plastic bag on her arm. She retrieved a roll of bandages from the bag and set her drink down, holding her hand out to gesture him to give her his arm and he obliged, setting his arm in her hand while (Name) grabbed water and disinfectant from the same bag.

"So," (Name) started, the silence being too heavy for her to handle as she started to clean and disinfect the large gashed from the rocks. "Why'd they do that?"

Yoshino knew she was asking about Tsubasa and the group, yet he felt embarrassed to tell her. "Well, uh, they thought I was looking at Tsubasa's- uhm" He coughed a little to finally get the words out. "Tsubasa's chest, WHICH- WHICH I WASN'T, but they don't believe me so yeah..."

(Name) let out a small hum while they started wrapping his arm with the bandages, while Junpei looked at them curiously. 

"Can I ask you something too?" Yoshino said, looking at the girl for any indication that he could continue, and once he saw a small nod, he started to speak again. "What was that? In the alley?"

The (hair color) haired female looked at him confused, brows knit together as they tried to concentrate on tying the bandages and listening to Junpei at the same time. "What was what?"

Did she think that was normal?, He thought, mouth slightly ajar as he tried to make sense of the girl. "The thing you did?? Making Kenji freeze and move?"

In a moment of revelation, (Name)'s mouth contoured into an 'o' shape, accompanied by a subtle gleam in her eyes, a realization dawning upon her as she comprehended what Junpei was actually asking of her. Observing this scene, Junpei couldn't help but appreciate the charming display of emotion on her face, his thoughts reflecting with a touch of amusement and adoration. 'That's cute,' He thought, all the while he maintained a gentle smile for her, savoring her look of realization adorning her face.

As the air filled with a sense of mystique as Junpei waited for an answer. The female, after delicately finishing the task of wrapping his arm, uttered an answer out, "Psychic powers," and then proceeded to lean back into the backrest of the bench, extending her legs out, while her hands found a resting place on her lap, all the while conveying an air of thoughtful contemplation as she disclosed, "I'm still trying to fully control them though."

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 • yandere ! jjkWhere stories live. Discover now