"That sounds toxic—"

"It's called not being a child of divorce."

"Do you think she knows?" Soap asks as they continue to walk.

"She knew they were checking her out, she understands men are sexually attracted to her. But I don't think she will pick up they might find her cute though."

"Alright," Soap turns to everyone clapping his hands together, "We must help out man get her attention—"

"Uh, have you forgotten she hates them?"

"We need her to like them first," Roach types out.

"... Does Ghost dance?" They all turn to Charlie.


"She likes dancing... ballroom dancing, improv swinging dancing, dancing in the rain."

"How do you know this?" Gaz looked at him.

"Because I dance with her," he answered calmly.

"Are you two dating?"


"You sure?" Gaz asks in a dead serious tone.

"Positive," Charlie replied with a straight face.

"Why then?"

"It's fun."

Soap squinted at him, "You have a crush." Charlie froze and looked away. He let out a sigh and looked back at him.

"Shut the fuck up—"

"OH my god," Gaz smirked poking Charlie. "You like her!"

"Why haven't you dated her—"

"Look," He drags the word out, "Falling in love feels wrong, I know she feels the same to some extent. In a past life, we were probably married, and in the next life we probably be married, but in this one, romance feels wrong."

"Ok, Edger Allen Poe." Gaz sighs disappointed.

"That's cute," Roach's app said.

"Keep this between us, or I will make my kill count double."


Ghost opened the door and to his shock, a pretty German Shepard was waiting at the door, tail wagging. The bed looked lumpy like it was stuffed with something. He sat her down in the bed and she seemed to be engulfed by her mattress. He lifts the sheets only to find a layer of stuffed animals. Her bed was painfully soft, nightmarish.

"Woof," He looks over to see the dog sniffing him. He crowed down and patted the dog. He checked the collar.

"Fishtart? What kind of name is that girl?" He asks kindly.

"Fishtart is a boy," a soft voice said. Ghost turns around to find Gisele sitting cross-legged.

"Why did you name him that?" He asked curiously, it was the most unique name he had ever heard.

"Look at him," Ghost peers down at the dog all brown and very friendly. "Have you ever seen Japanese Teriyaki? the fish-shaped snack? he looks like it." Ghost chuckles.

"Why that comparison?" He asks feeling himself smiling under his mask.

"Bread outside, red bean paste, bread outside," she said pointing from the light front, darker middle, and lighter backside. Ghost laughed some more shaking his head.

"I would have never considered that." He mused.

"If you had a cat, what would you name them?" He asks after some time of thinking.

"Girl or boy?"


"Long fur, short fur, or no fur?"

"Short fur."

"Big or small?"

"What's with all the questions?" he looks back.

"Gathering information."


"What color?"


"Brown... Small... Short fur... girl..." She mumbles thoughtfully before giggling. "I should keep that to myself."


"Fuzzy Feces," She giggles out. Ghost just stared at her blankly, he almost regretted asking her. "My second idea was Maggot."

"Do you not like cats?"

"I love cats, more than dogs."

"Why the names?"

"Well, their cats."

"What is going on in your mind?" Ghost asks, she's fascinating.

"What do you mean?" She tilts her head... She's very cute when she's giggling.

"You don't think like a normal person—"

"Simon," She sweetly calls, "I am autistic, my mind works differently." Ghost nods a faint smile on his lips.

"Tell me more about it?" He asks genuinely curious about her autism.

"Um," She thinks, "Autistic people have more neurons in their brains, which me we intake more information around us. Neurotypical people can tell if you're different." She gazes down at her hands.

"I've been told I unsettle people; I trigger the uncanny valley effect in people."

"The what?" He looks over at me.

"Have you ever looked at a mannequin? or any humanoid creature and got scared?"


"Well, some people perceived me as... less than human."

Echoes|| König x Reader x GhostWhere stories live. Discover now