Chapter 10: I'm not Changing my mind

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You got off the couch with her walking a few paces behind you.
Then another knock sounded. You opened the door to be met with Austin theory.

You were shocked to see him standing in front of you. How did he get your address and why was he here especially at this time of night.

"What are you doing here Austin?"

"Hey nice to see you too" he said slurring his words.

"Are you drunk" You ask looking at him. His clothes looked disheveled as if he just rolled out of his bed, his hair was a mess, and the stench from his breath answered you questions.

"Psh, no im sober baby" he said as if I would believe the lie. You opened your door more and looked up and down the street.

"What are you doing here, especially at this them of night?"

"Well I'm here for you obviously" he stated in a matter of fact tone. Like I was supposed to know why he was here at midnight. Suddenly Demi pushed in front of you.

"Well obviously, you didn't take the hint at dinner the other night. Or do I need to spell it out for you-she's not interested"

"Of course she is, why wouldn't she be" he angrily sputtered.

"Cause your a pig" I said going back in front of Demi. Apparently austin didn't like that since his face was now contorted in anger.

"I think you should keep your mouths shut" he huffed

"Or what?" Demi questioned pulling me behind her once again.

"Or else I'll shut them for you" he took a step forward and that's when Demi grabbed the door.

"Yeah, I dont think so" She then slammed the door in his face. It was quiet for a moment before he started banging on the door. That instantly made my anxiety spike. I knew the door wouldn't break down but my fear was a lot stronger than my reasoning.

"Open the fucking door you dumb bitch " soon we both held it closed as the banging got louder. I wasn't so sure about my door holding now. He continued to bang on the door and you had enough.

"Just FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE" You yelled through the door. Demi then told you to call the team. I don't know why but I thought it would be smart so I called them. The only ones who could get to my place were Dominic and Damian.

Austin continues to yell and your anxiety was soon getting the best of you as you slid down the nearest wall. Looking towards Demi as she looked at me in sympathy. I domt know what made him think it was a good idea to come here...he'll he's drunk of course he would be that dumb...he's obviously not thinking at all.

Soon the boys arrived and you could hear them yelling and a scuffle ensue on the other side of the door. I don't know what possessed me but for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to open the door.

As soon as the door is open enough he lunges at you. He Grabs you by the throat slamming you onto the stone walkway. Getting on top of you he began to beat you senseless.

"Nobody, and I mean NOBODY rejects me " he yells continuing to punch you in the face. The guys trying and failing to get him off you.

"Get off her" You could hear Demi yell. Finally being able to get him off with Rhea's help, they pulled him away. Rhea kneeled by your side looking at you. Your face was starting to bruise and your arms had scratches along them. Black eyes were forming and your nose had a gash on the bridge of it.

"Get him out of here" You could hear her yell before passing out.

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