Her Allergy

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"Bless you."

Sara wrinkled her nose, offering apologetic looks to the students in the library who heard her sneeze. While they politely said 'bless you,' she couldn't ignore the glares she received. This made her self-conscious, especially since she's naturally shy and dreads unwanted attention.

Well, she was in the library, a place meant to be quiet, filled with students cramming to study quietly for upcoming exams. However, there she was, sneezing loudly and disturbing them.

She knew that sneezing so loudly could be considered rude and unladylike. She had been working on controlling it, but it was challenging not to be loud when her big allergies acted up like this.

It's odd because she's only allergic to big dogs, and there are no pets allowed in the library. Small dog danders were fine, but when she sneezed so loudly like this, it indicated that a big dog was nearby.


"Please?" came a snooty female voice. "People are studying here. Don't be gross."

Rude, Sara thought as she gathered her things from the table and decided to sit at the farthest one she could find, away from the other students.

Standing up, she scanned the area with her hazel eyes, looking for a good spot while tucking some of her long brown hair that had fallen on her face behind her ears. Finding the best spot, she decided to head to the back part of the library.

She walked into the small space between the Social Studies aisle section and the Special Collections aisle section to reach the back part.

On her way there, she saw a tall guy in a grey hoodie, leaning on the bookshelves and quietly reading a book. She couldn't help but study him as she got closer.

He stood tall, likely reaching six feet or more, with a lean physique and pale skin. Dark brown, curly hair peeked out from under a grey hoodie pulled over his head. Brooding eyebrows framed his smoldering blue eyes, completely engrossed in the book he held. A hard, chiseled jawline rivaled the school jocks. She noticed his arm muscles through the hoodie as he flipped another page of the book in his hand.

This guy is low-key attractive. She hadn't seen him before. Well, considering the size of the school, that's a factor, but guys who look like him would typically be popular, and she should have heard about him by now. She thinks he looks around her age, too. She wondered if he's also a graduating college student like her.

Approaching the guy, she couldn't help but admire his handsome face a little more closely, he smells good too like manly, distinct earthy scent unique to this guy. She felt another sneeze was coming, as she tried her best to suppress it, but it was too strong.


Great, she sneezed right in front of this handsome guy. What a humiliation.

His blue eyes left the book he was reading and rose to meet her hazel ones. He didn't say anything, and thankfully didn't glare at her for disturbing his quiet read. Instead, he looked at Sara with curiosity, as if this were the first time he finally noticed someone else around in the library aside from him.

Hypnotized and drawn by those blue curious eyes, Sara momentarily forgot that she had sneezed in front of him for the second time.

"You're okay?" his deep timbre voice asked after her second sneeze, as he closed his book this time.

Sara wrinkled her nose. Is he genuinely asking her? And if she answers, is this considered striking up a conversation? Honestly, she doesn't do that a lot. She's too awkward for her own good.

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