Chapter 1

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Saturnius was unsure about the new Praetor, the man had built up a reputation in the Senate in Rome and with the people. Amellius was a no nonsense man, a people man and he was proud to be so, the people enjoyed the tales of battle as Amellius liked to create them. The Praetor was not a particularly tall man a bit smaller than average size, he was well muscled and the scars he had showed he had gained and wrought his career on the battle field and Saturnius respected a man like that, a man like himself. Amellius had brown hair like most of the men of the true Roman families, his eyes though an intelligent blue, a difference from the normal brown of the world’s greatest peoples. Amellius hoped the new Praetor would bring a new strength to the island; the last governor had been pathetic little more than a gibbering idiot and had been sent back to Rome as the Carthaginian threat became apparent.

 Saturnius had been tipped off about a Carthaginian spy who was living in the city of Syracuse, the man had been feeding the Carthaginians information for years and now his time had come. The spy could expect little more than a death sentence that's if his men didn't kill him first. The plan was to catch the spy in the early morning so he had no chance to escape, they hoped to be in and out without causing too much of a disturbance.

Saturnius strapped on his breastplate, the metal buckets creaked under the new strain the metal contours following the lines of his body. He rubbed his hand over the crimson horsehair crest of his new helmet, he had ordered it straight from the century's forge, the intricate patterning on it was unique and he enjoyed thinking of the looks of envy from the other Centurions. The plume left faint white trails on his hand that quickly disappeared under the faint light. He ceremoniously lifted the helmet over his shoulders then onto his head, the weight comfortingly familiar.

 The three squads tramped through the early morning street, several street urchins stared up at them woken from their slumber, and one of the legionaries put his fingers to his lips and grinned at the boys. They approached the target's house, the early morning sun creeping over the buildings. The blood started to pound in their veins. They reached the door.

 Saturnius whispered and counted to three.

"One" his breathing started to quicken.

"Two" his hand gripped the hilt of his gladius.

"Three" he hefted his shield up.

"Go, go, go!" The first legionary smashed into the door with his shield, the weak hinges breaking under the impact, they charged yelling through the door.

The Saturnius' Optio suddenly collapsed to the floor, a knife protruding from his shoulder. The Carthaginian spy standing in the corner, his hands bloody. Amellius smashed his fist into the man's face, the spy fell to the floor me tried to get back up but Saturnius kicked him again in the face knocking him unconscious, blood pooling from his broken features.

"You two, carry him straight to the surgeon and be quick I have no need to lose a man in this operation!" Saturnius roared as he gestured at his fallen Optio.

"And you two take this filth to the cells!" He swore at the bleeding criminal. He was so angry, but at least he would see retribution when he saw the spy end his pitiful life, after being tortured of course, he laughed talk about trying to cause as little disturbance as possible they probably woke half the city up.

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