lyras pov:

"don't ever yell at me again lestrange or you'll regret it. after all i am the dark lords son" he whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine
he turned around and started to walk away

"go to hell riddle"

"where do you think i'm from sweetheart?" he said smugly as i flipped him off

he left me stood on the astronomy tower feeling confused i went back to my dorm where pansy was already getting ready for dinner.

"you ok?" pansy asked whilst adjusting her tie

"yeah matheos just a dick"

"agreed but don't worry he'll warm up to you soon, i think he likes you more then he leads on"

"what's that supposed to mean"

"it means what you want it to mean"

"very funny"

we went to dinner just us two, we talked about her and draco and then she tried to suggest me and matheo but i shut it down immediately.

after a few hours we headed to bed.

matheos pov:

people who don't know think being the dark lords son is so easy but the people that know me, the people that i let know me know how horrible it is. growing up was difficult with an non present dad.  deatheaters looked after me at riddle manor, the malfoys would come visit often , the greengrasses and the zabinis would see me a lot as well . i grew up training for the day my dad came back, and when he did i was 13 and my life turned upside down.
training became tougher, punishments became extreme and my two best mates left me alone in that house.
no note, no call, no nothing. they just left and didn't come back until now and a part of me still hated them for it.
my mother was never on the scene but when i turned 14 my dad found her and killed her infront of me. i don't care that he killed her, she was never there for me, she left me. she deserved it.
the first time i killed was when i was 8. mr dolohov made me kill my rabbit. he gifted me a rabbit when i turned 7 and he planned to make me kill it when i turned 8 and i did.
i killed a muggle family when i was 12, and by the time i was 14 i enjoyed it. i enjoyed there screams and it sounds psychotic but i enjoyed the power it gave me.
now i'm 16 i've killed hundreds some deserved it but some were innocent. i torture the people my father holds captive in the cellar and i help keep the death eaters in check. which is why lyra is becoming a problem. she's unstable and is taking with the enemy.

lyras pov:

i was eating breakfast alone when matheo, pansy and enzo came into the great hall and sat with me.

"all alone are we?" enzo asked whilst sitting next to me

"no one was awake when i came to the common room so i headed here straight away"

we all talked about the party this weekend and it seemed fine with me and matheo. i truly don't know what i did to piss him off so much, i get that i shouldn't off spoken to hermione but that's in the past and i though everyone was over it.
i thought id been forgiven

forgive but never forget

i looked up in shock and saw matheo smirking.
he's always smirking the sly bastard.

"what's everyone got first?" i asked finishing my breakfast

"potions" cyrus said

"same" mather nodded

"i have defense against dark arts" enzo sighed

"oh same" i smiled

me and enzo headed to defense against the dark arts

"i thought you weren't in this class with me"

"i wasn't but they moved me here because i kept on 'distracting others'" enzo explained as i laughed

once we reached the class we saw a different teacher at the front of the class.

"hello class, i am you new teacher professor lupin, everyone please take a seat"

me and enzo sat with each other and Draco and xavier sat in front whilst tori and theo sat behind us. class was boring, we learnt about bogarts. me and tori then went to divination where destiny, pansy and blaise were already. we took a seat with them and listened to the teacher babble about the 'grim'.

once the day was over i slumped into an armchair in the common room when theo and matheo came in with a girl i didn't recognise. she was all over matheo, i think i threw up in my mouth. when theo saw me he instantly came over

"oh my god that girl is annoying"

"who is she?" i asked trying to get a better look at her

"i think it's millicent bulstrode, she was pansys old roommate before they had this massive fall out because millicent kissed pansys boyfriend"

"who was the boyfriend"

"he's no longer attending Hogwarts" he said mysteriously

millicent and matheo came over and sat down as me and theo made gagging sounds. pansy came in.
she took one look at millicent, walked over to her and started punching her.

"should we stop her?" theo asked

"no leave it a bit" i smirked

matheo dragged pansy off of her and millicent ran out of the common room crying

"what the fuck parkinson" matheo spat

"hey don't have a go at me everyone knows i hate her what's the surprise"

"woo hoo go pansy" i clapped which earned me a death stare from matheo

"lets go to dinner" i said whilst grabbing pansy as we skipped through the hallways getting odd looks from some students.

an: filler chapter sorry

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