Chapter 5

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I woke up in my room. But something felt different. I didn’t have the dream. For the first time in 5 years. I looked over at the clock.

I overslept. Wow. I haven't done that since the day I turned 18.
Then the previous night came crashing down on me.
The dream that was different. The seal. The black hands. The blood. I stood up from my bed. I Realized I was still in my pajama pants and got dressed.

  After I was done I went downstairs. I don’t know what I expected but I definitely didn’t expect a Hyunjin without wings just sitting on the couch. I froze. Looking at the back of his head. He must’ve heard me gasp because he turned around. He stood up.

“Good morning! Have you slept well?” He asked so casually it was almost weird. I didn’t answer. I looked at his face. His perfect, beautiful face. He tilted his head, looked at me as if waiting for an answer. He looked incredibly cute doing it. He looked like a small curious kid. A perfect looking small curious kid. Just then I realized I didn’t answer him yet.

“Oh yes I overslept.” I answered quickly.
He smiled again. “I’m sorry for ruining your good night rest for 5 years.” He looked at me a bit awkwardly. It only made him more attractive. “I guess it was selfish to keep coming back.”
“Oh no don’t worry!” I said fast. “For what I know you were being tortured! I don’t blame you at all. Though I do wish I got the hint of the bookshop earlier.”

   The bookshop. The weird man. I made a decision. But first.
“How did you get rid of your wings anyway?” I asked.
“Secret of a demon.” He said mysteriously.
“Ok.” I laughed. “You’re annoying when you say that.” I joked.
“I’m sorry.” And we laughed together. When we where finally done I looked at his face. This time I noticed things that made him look more, how do you say it, human. If that’s even possible. Though he had fair skin and full red lips, I saw a cute mole under his left eye that was starting to fade a little. Also now he was without his wings he looked a lot less magical, though still beautiful and almost perfect.

    I walked upstairs to brush my teeth. Hyunjin followed me around like a curious kid. I could feel Hyunjins eyes prickle in my neck but it didn’t bother me. I brushed my teeth. Looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. After seeing Hyunjin for 5 minutes straight I looked like a damn troll.

I walked to my room and realized Hyunjin was still following me. I turned around;. “I was a-actually just going to get dressed.”
“Oh of course” He said super casually and he walked downstairs again. What a weird creature.

    After I was done I walked downstairs and towards the door. I could see out of the eye of my corner that Hyunjin was watching my every move, and it made me a bit nervous. When I grabbed my jacket he asked: “Where are you going?”
“I’m going too the bookshop where I found the book to ask the owner some questions.” I answered.
He didn’t do anything with that news. Instead he asked: “Arent you supposed to eat first?”
I was suprised by that question. Why would he care in the first place?

“I’ll just skip it.” I simply answered.
He tilted his head in a questioning way. Incredibly cute.
“Look I might not be an expert in humans but i know you need to eat.” He said.
“I don’t have any energy to make food. And don’t you demons need to eat?”
“No. And don’t change the subject ok?” He sounded… worried. But why?

“If you don’t want to make food I can make some for you.”
Huh? He wanted to make food for me? I could feel myself get really red at the ears.


He was blushing like crazy at that question. He looked cute. The way his freckles were sprinkled across his face was so beautiful I had no words for it. It was like the stars in his eyes overflowed and ended up on his cheeks.

The Demon in the Mirror ~ Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now