Ballerina on the Balcony

385 11 9

I wish that you would stay in my memories
But you show up today, just to ruin things

-Memories, Conan Grey

The Hawthornes ruined my life, Grayson Hawthorne did to be specific but I can't only put the blame on him can I? It would be a shame not to mention his beloved Emily Laughin, the first and last person I told all my secrets to

I had done a good job at cutting off contact with them. I left Heights Country Day and went to live with my mother in France leaving my father in Texas, it wasn't a hard choice considering my father and I were never close.

I had gotten the news I'd been named in Tobias Hawthornes will a week before my seventeenth birthday after a dance competition. I remember stopping at a small coffee shop before driving home, while I had been waiting for my order in the small cafe a couple minutes from my home my mom called me in a rush speaking in her fast paced French telling me I got a letter from McNamara, Ortega, and Jones.

I had left the cafe immediately forgetting about my drink rushing in my car driving to the small two bedroom apartment my mother owned. Rushing up the stairs and running into the apartment I grabbed the letter from my mother, opening it in a haste.

I had looked up at my mother with tears in my eyes, the feeling of guilt and grief overwhelmed me. I had been named in the Billionaire's will, so that had to mean he was dead, gone, buried. The old man had been a father figure to me due to the fact my father was absent most of my life, I hadn't even said bye to the man before I left. And the boys, the Hawthorne grandsons, Tobias Hawthorne had been their entire life. He was the one who had built them up, he was the only parental figure they've ever had and now he was gone.

Violet Monet,

You are needed for the official will reading of Tobias Hawthorne on August 5th of this year. The reading of the will will take place at Hawthorne House at 6:00 pm sharp


The Representatives of McNamara, Ortega, and Jones 

I'm currently on a plane to Texas, I had never thought I'd come back to this place. But I had to be here. It was the least I owed to the old man even if he wasn't here anymore.

Since this was a layover flight we stopped in connecticut before arriving to texas, when I arrive to the airport and finish with security I'm met with not only Alisa but two other girls, one who looks about my age, maybe a year younger, and the other seems to be in her early twenties. Alisa doesn't seem to notice me as she's talking with the younger girl who seems about my age.

I clear my throat not wanting to disrupt the conversation too obviously. At first Alisa looks at me as if I'm one of the most random people but after a moment her eyes widen in realisation

"Vi- Violet?" She looks at me as if she's seen a ghost, I look at her slightly embarrassed, "I- wow- I didn't recognize you," She starts motioning to my face, "Your hair- It's- well it's different." I can tell she was trying not to be rude, my hair used to be strawberry blonde and it had reached my waist but when I left I dyed it black and cut it to the bottom of my chest, I had also cut bangs on a random Tuesday night wanting a change.

I gave her a tight lipped smile then my eyes quickly flicked to her ring finger noticing that it was devoid of the large stone Nash had proposed to her with. I raised an eyebrow slightly before motioning to the girls who where next to her,

"Who are these?" I asked curious

"Avery and Libby Grambs, they're needed for the reading of the will," Alisa replied curtly.

After a moment of silence she leads us to a car and we all pile in without a word. I notice Oren is driving and throw him a small smile. He gives me a curt nod before starting the engine.

We get out of the car and walk towards the front of Hawthorne House. I stay behind everyone drowning out their conversation, not really excited to be reunited with the Hawthorne family. I take notice of their conversation when Avery starts asking why Tobias Hawthorne chose her,

Are you the world-saving type?" Alisa asked


"Ever had your life ruined by someone with the last name Hawthorne?" Alisa continued.


"Lucky" I mumbled more to myself than to anyone else

I look around the familiar foyer, noticing it hasn't changed a bit. My gaze goes to the top of the stairs and my eyes lock with none other than Grayson Hawthorne.

His stone cold grey eyes meet mine and suddenly the air is thick and I can feel my pulse quicken. I clench my jaw, not daring to look away. I harden my eyes and stare at him not betraying my feelings. It takes him a moment before he recognizes me. It was my eyes that helped, my forest green eyes outlined with a dark brown, they always stood out.

When he breaks the silence he sounds strangled as if someone's hands are wrapped around his neck suffocating him

"What is she doing here?" 

A/N this isn't that great of a chapter but the next ones are better promise <33 I might update tmw or the day after depends when I finish writing the next chapters. If there are any spelling or grammatical  mistakes pls lmk

The One  ~Grayson x OC~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat