baby - Hangman Serisin

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Having a baby with Hangman was always what you wanted. Sure, you're a career woman and all, but as soon as you and Jake got married you knew you wanted to have a baby with him.

You'd only ever wanted one because you grew up with no siblings and always wanted a little mini you. Jake, on the other hand, only wanted one kid. As he grew up, he realised how mean his brothers were and didn't want that for his kid.

When your water broker and you were sat in the hospital, Jake sat beside you, telling you a story to calm you down. It was the story of how the two of you first met.

When you finally had the baby, it was a little girl. Jake was over the moon and cried when he witnessed the birth of his daughter. You two decided to name her Elle Georgia Serisin.

Jake held her to let you sleep and even helped the midwives give her a bath. When you finally woke up, Jake was extremely excited to see you. He wanted to make sure you were ok because you were always the most important thing in his life. But now he has two people that are his world. 

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