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Hello, the name's Qio Kim, currently 23 years old, just got out of college. And now, my parents are done financing me, they want me to start working  full times and attend my needs and wants, myself.

I already have a job, it's a part time job when I was still a student and now that I'm no longer one, I'll make it full time. If you're wondering, I'm working in a fast food chain called 'Mang Inasal' a branch near my parent's house where I'm staying. I work there as a crew.

"Qio, did you apply for full time job already?" I was putting on my shoes, getting ready to leave for work when my mom called me from the living room.

"No mom but don't worry I'll be applying today"
After hearing an "alright, have a great day at work" , I finally went off.

At the fastfood chain.

"Qio you said you wanna apply for full time jobe here right?" The manager of our branch said. I nodded and said "Yes sir, why? is there a problem?"

"Oh no there isn't but I have an offer for you" Hearing this my ears perked up. What could he offer me? It's good right? I mean, judging by his facial expression.

"What offer sir?" I saw him take an envelope and soon passed it  to me. I look at him confused, then he spoke.
"That's a contract, go on read it" Hearing so I felt excited and opened the envelope. My eyes widened as I read the words written.

"A manager sir?? But aren't you the manager here?"
"Yes and don't worry I'm not resigning hahaha" His remark confuses me more. I tilted my head and said.
"Eh? Then..?"
"You might have not read the branch that was written on top" He smiled and gestured me to read the contract once more.

"Oh branch xxx— wait are you— I'm—" I widened my eyes and covered my mouth as I realized.
"Yes you're gonna be managing Mang Inasal but in the neighboring branch. It's kind of a bit far from here, I know this branch is the only branch that is near where you're living so I am a bit worried you might not take this."

"No sir it's fine, as long as I finally get a full time job, I can just find an apartment near there. I'm pretty sure my parents would tell me to move out soon anyways hahaha so this would be a great opportunity. I'll take it sir, thank you." I smiled and shakes his hand and soon left his office.

After our shift it was then announced to the other crews that it's my last day working there. And that I am already transferring to the neighboring branch as the manager. Our manager took us all out to celebrate and also a little farewell dinner for me. I really love this branch, everyone, especially the manager, is very sweet. I'm totally gonna miss it here.

The day after, I told my parents the news and they were delighted to hear it and soon told me to look for an apartment.

And now I am currently walking inside an apartment building  blocks away from the mang inasal branch I'm gonna work at soon.

"Hello, may I ask if there's any vacants still? I saw your ad online, just wanna make sure if there's still any." I politely spoke the moment I went inside the landlord's office.

"Oh hello, take a sit first young man" She smiled and spoke softly, pointing to the chair in front of her table. I assume she's a sweet old lady, well she wasn't that old, maybe in her 60's. I was readying myself to get a terror landlord but I guess I was lucky this time.

"Thank you" I returned the smile and sat.
"For your question, yes there's still one space left but for this one you have a roommate. Would that be okay for you?"
"Oh I don't mind sharing the flat as long as it's not a creepy guy. Also I am in a rush to get an apartment since my work starts tomorrow and the other apartments near my workplace no longer have any vacant units and some are too expensive."

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