2 - Première fois🔞

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{ '[A/POV]' means Author's POV. It appears on some parts of this chapter. }


"Qio I'll be home late. I'm going to Rani's birthday party." Vio said as he's putting on his shoes. Hmm Rani? oh that one friend of his that gave me side eyes when I'm with Vio. Also the guy that sticks close to Vio. Whenever I suddenly bumped into the three friends, Vio, Shaun and this Rani, having their bonding time, Shaun always invites me over to, you know, bond with them. And This Rani guy keeps side eyeing me and being all clingy towards Vio, like bro I get it you like him and blabla. He's being way too obvious.

"I don't give a fuck" I replied, not taking a glimpse of the man. In my peripheral vision I see him shaking his head.

"You sure you're not coming? Rani did say I can bring you as my plus one you know" Vio said, finishing up, getting ready to go. Pfft him, inviting me over to his birthday party??? Lol someone or should I say that Shaun guy probably the one who suggested that. I may not know Shaun well enough or close to him, but like I said he's the one who always initiates to make me sit with them, so it's obvious it's him.

"I already said, I don't want to. It's also clear that friend of yours hates me, he's probably just inviting me to not appear selfish in your eyes." I whispered the last part, though Vio still managed to hear it. But seriously though that's probably what's in his mind by inviting me over.

"What are you talking about? Why would he do that? And why would he hate you?" A confused Vio asked his roommate. Not getting any of the latter's words.[A/POV]

"I don't know, ask him yourself. I don't give a fuck." I sassily said finally looking at Vio. Yeah bro ask him and you'll know that he's deeply head over heels for you and he don't like me being close with you, living in the same roof as you.

"Tch I still don't understand why you're so sassy towards me all the time. You really hate me?" Vio spoke putting his arms on his chest, looking at me. Hmm hate? That's a big word but yeah maybe. I don't like you annoying me all the time, that's all.

"Maybe if you don't annoy and tease me too much then I might come to like you."

"You like me?" Smirking Vio said annoying and teasing his me once again. See, this is why it's stressful living with him.

"Here he goes again. Ugh, just fucking go. You're wrecking my vibe." Annoyed Qio rolled his eyes as he spoke. Diverting his eyes again to the television.[A/POV]

"Hahahaha I mean it's fun teasing you." Vio finally left. Leaving me all alone in our shared apartment.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It's almost midnight, Vio's still not home. So I decided to take a shower to finally get ready for bed. Thinking I still have work tomorrow. Before I went inside the bathroom, I went back to the living room and turned on the music and pu on 'Everyday' by Ariana Grande on repeat. I like showering with music on, specially when I'm alone. [A/N: Do listen to the song as you read😚]

I know it's midnight and neighbors are sleeping, but no worries the walls are sound proof.

As I went inside the bathroom, I removed all of my clothes and turned the shower on and began feeling the water flowing through my skin.

On the other hand, Vio just got home, drunk. He stumbled a lot the moment he went inside the apartment. He looked around searching for his roommate, Till he heard the shower on.[A/POV]

Not in his right mind he opened the door of the bathroom, which Qio probably forgot to lock. Vio watched his roommate while leaning his body to the door frame, putting his arms around his chest.[A/POV]

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