Stuck in a elevator with your boyfriend! part 1

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Author's note: hehee I'm funny :3


Four was humming a tune to himself as he got ready for the day. His mental health hasn't been... the greatest lately, but he's been doing better!

Him and Three celebrated 6 months of being a couple a few days ago. Three was like Four's guardian angel, helping him through this rough time in his life right now.

Just as he was ready to head to the bathroom, he heard his phone ding.

Four looked over to see another video of his was demonetized.

He groaned. This has been happening a lot lately... Four took a deep breath... no big deal, no big deal. Don't freak out. It's just YouTube being big babies over swear words because 'think of the children' even though they have a whole separate app for kids and...

Four let out the deep breath he was holding. "Ugh..." Four headed to the bathroom. When he got there, he opened the cabinet to get his anti-depressants only to find...


"What the fuck!?" Four felt his eye twitch, he really didn't need this right now.

He heard shuffling behind him, Four turned around to see Deepressio there, swallowing every pill in one gulp.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Four yelled. He was starting to lose it, and the day had just started!

"That's what you get for stealing my girlfriend!" The clown smirked.

"That is not the law of equivalent exchange!" Four yelled back.

Deepressio flipped him off. Four's blood was boiling at this point. He picked up Deepressio and kicked him out of the bathroom. "Get out!" Four yelled. He watched as the clowns body lay on the floor. As Smg4 was about to close the door, he saw Meggy and Melony looking at him bewildered. "Uhh..." He paused before coming up with a lie. "He popped out of the toilet." And he quickly closed the door.

Great, another thing on Four's already full plate. He screamed into his gloves.

How the fuck is he going to explain to the pharmacy that a hobo clown has ate all of his anti-depressants!?

Four felt his phone ding again, YouTube demonetized another one of his videos...

His latest video...

The one he and Three worked so hard on!

Four had enough of this... he's going to YouTube itself.


After Smg4 shut the bathroom door behind him, Meggy let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, the coast is clear..." She said. Fm, Bowser, and Mario all lifted their heads from their hiding spots.

Meggy had recruited Melony into finding Smg3's shitty ex, and their base of operations, was the basement.

"Alright, one of us should stay up here in case Four decides to go looking for any of us." Fm said.

Mario jumped on the couch. "Mario will do it! He's amazing at distractions!"

Meggy gave Mario a quick nod before she and the others went down into their base.

Just as the stroage room door closed, the bathroom door opened.

"Mario!" Smg4 sounded tired. "I'm heading out to YouTube headquarters."

Bob stuck his head from the kitchen. "Oh, HeLl YeAh! ThEy HaVe ThE BeSt FrIeS!"

Mario genuinely looked at Bob with a thousand yard stare. "What did you just say?"

Bob looked a little worried... "uH... I SaId ThEy HaVe ThE BeSt FrIeS..."

Mario let out a huff. "They're called chips, you cretin!"

"SiNcE WhEn Do YoU KnOw FaNcY WoRdS!?!"

"Since you called chips, fries!!!"

Four looked deadpanned. "Are you two coming or what?"

Mario and Bob looked at eachother. Before Mario turned back smiled brightly at Four. "Sure! And I'll prove to Raggy over there that's it called chips and not fries!"

"WhAt ThE HeLl DiD YoU JuSt cAlL mE!?!"

"Great!" Four pulled out the R.V from his hat. "Get in." Mario and Bob did just that.

"Four..." Smg3 was already in the R.V, looking dazed. "How did I get here?"

"No time to explain, we're going to YouTube!" Four stated.

"Wait wha-" but before Three could finish his sentence, Four slammed on the gas and away they went to YouTube.

Mario and Bob entered first, looking over to where they had their cafeteria.

"Look at that juicy golden glow" Bob was already drooling.

"Those chips belong to Mario..." The plumber made his way over to there.

Meanwhile Four was at the front desk with Three.

"This is the third video that you demonetized today! And I just want to know why!" Four told the front desk clerk, trying his best not to breakdown.

Three sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Oh no..." The clerk said. "There's nothing I can really do..."

The sound of glass shattered in Four's mind. Just his fucking luck... He fell to the floor. The only sound he could hear was Mario and Bob attacking someone over the chips.

Three pulled Four off of the floor. "Why don't we head up there and talk to these YouTube asses ourselves."

Four eyes lit up. He hugged Smg3. "Oh thank you, thank you thank you-"

Three blushed heavily and pushed Four off before yeeting him safely into the elevator.

Thr clerk was pissed. "Hey you can't go there! That's-" Smg3 turned him into a baguette.

"We'll be right back you two."

Bob stopped attacking the guy for a second. "TaKe AlL ThE TiMe YoU NeEd!" Bob sharpened his blades. "those fries are mine..."

Now it was just Three and Four in a elevator...

Nothing could go wrong...


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