I promise

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I invited Jesse over so we could watch a movie together. He would be overcome in twenty minutes, I got out of bed and got dressed wearing high waisted shorts and a black crop top that says wild on it. Then I brushed my long wavy dirty blonde hair. I walked out to the kitchen and my mom was making French toast. I told her that Jesse was coming over she was happy and nodded asking, "what time." I answered saying, "about ten minutes." she said, "ok" then went back to cooking. We ate together as a family and we talked about school and Jesse, my mom liked Jesse she thought that he was a nice boy. My sister, Amanda, thinks he can be stuck up at times by I love him anyway and their is nothing bad she can say about him to change my mind.

Jesse came and we sat in my room looking for a movie to watch. We chose Divergent. it was a good movie, the lights where out and about half way through the movie Jesse grabbed my hand, we where holding hands then like two seconds after he was holding my hand he looked at me then my hand, he slowly turned my hand over so he could see the scars on my wrist, I quickly grabbed my hand. He was really mad and sad, I could see it in his eyes. He hugged me the said, "Babe I love you so much, why would you ever do this..." he was crying and shaking his head, i just stayed quiet for a few minutes thinking about how to answer his question. I had a million reasons why, I replied, "I don't cut anymore. I stopped for you. Please don't be mad at me." he laughed a little while crying and hugged me then he said, "Baby, their is no way I could ever be mad at you I still love you just like I used to, I love you so much, baby you mean the world to me." we where hugging and crying for about an half an hour then Jesse kept saying that he loved me and he would never leave me, he made me so happy, he kissed me and I kissed back. we where making out when my mom walked in, she just kind of laughed to herself and smiled.

She told us that Jesse's mom was here. I nodded, then Jesse looked at me and said, "promise me you will not cut again, instead of cutting text me, I will always be here for you baby. I will text you when I get home from practice, remember I will always love you." I smiled back at him and hugged him saying, "I love you too, I promise that I will text you anytime I think of cutting or get depressed now go to basketball practice, I love you babe."

I walked with him out to the porch and we said goodbye then we kissed. he said, "remember your promise baby girl, I love you bye." I nodded and hugged him bye. Then I went back inside and went into my room.

I was sitting on my bed bored then I decided to go on Instagram, I haven't gone on their in forever. I have been so busy with everything else I haven't been on any social media.

It was Sunday so I decided to post a picture of myself for selfie Sunday. So many people do it in our grade. I chose a picture from a week or so ago and posted it, it was a picture where I had my hair curled and had on a pink tank top. Then I was looking at other people's posts and seeing what everyone was doing. About fifteen minutes later I had seven notifications on Instagram. I went to see what it was and five of them where likes on my post. The other two where comments, my one friend commented, love your hair😍. The other girl's name was Stella, she commented, "TBH~you are so annoying and ugly everyone hates you just go and kill yourself already, it would be better for everyone." I read it again I didn't even know who this person was. I don't understand why would someone who i don't even know say that about me. I felt even worse about my self. I know that I promised Jesse but he was at practice and I didn't want to get him in trouble. I didn't know that people felt that way about me, why does everyone hate me I didn't do anything to her. Why would she tell me to kill myself. She is probably right anyway, everyone hates me and probably would be happy if I wasn't here anymore.

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