🥀𝟸: 𝚁𝚞𝚜𝚑🥀

Start from the beginning

"But...Doctor, this patient-" You cut your eyes at the orderly who dared speak to you.

"Your knee is on my patient's jugular, which could cut off the blood going through his brain and cause brain damage, which could kill him. I have a clean record of none of my patients dying, and I don't plan to mess up that record. Get him on his feet. Now," the orderlies brought Toji, who was bleeding from the nose and had a gash just above his left eye.

He grunted in pain as he was pulled up on his feet. His stance faltered a bit before he regained his posture, looking at you with a cold, mischievous grin.

"You, take him to the infirmity immediately, take these others to the medical room, give them their meds, and get a mop and clean the shit off the floor," you gestured to the decent-sized pile of human waste on the floor as you head back to your office.

You set your glances on your desk as you sighed, smoothing your hair back as you strolled over to the window, which surveyed the courtyard. You looked down and watched all the patients, some of them playing, some of them enjoying nature. You watched fondly before you turned back around and grabbed your notepad and folder full of Toji's files.

You grabbed your cup of tea and walked out of your office, the old music playing eerily from the speakers as you walked through the halls. You walked to Toji's room and swiped your key card to unlock the door.

Toji's back was facing you as he looked out of the window, keeping silent, even as you shut the door behind you and sat down on the loveseat, crossing your legs and pulling out your notepad and tape recorder.

"Good morning, Toji," you spoke after a seemingly long moment of silence.

Without a word, Toji stood from his spot and strolled over to a spot in the room where the paint was chipped from the wall and began to pick at it, more and more frantically.


He kept picking at the wall, his eyes slightly widening as he picked through the wood of the wall, bits of his fingernail getting destroyed.


He kept picking, the noise only he could hear getting louder in his head.

Then everything went mute.


He heard your voice echoing in his head just as his finger split on the metal post of the wall, making him grunt out in pain as he held his bleeding finger. He watched intently as the dark red liquid ran across his pale skin, dripping down his arm, down to his elbow, and finally dripping to the floor.

"You come sit and chat, and I can patch that up for you," Toji turned to face you, his piercing, icy, seafoam green eyes seeming to glow as he focused on you. He had a bandage above the gash in his brow and a small patch on his lip. There was a small bruise underneath his right eye, his pale skin contrasting with the purple and blue bruise.

He came over and sat on the edge of the bed, raising his bleeding finger to you. You lightly grasped his finger, seeing it split in the center.

"You're going to need stitches, and it will hurt," Toji remained silent and stared at your nametag with blank eyes, deep into thought.

🥀𝙄𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙉𝙀 // 𝙏. 𝙁𝙐𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙂𝙐𝙍𝙊🥀Where stories live. Discover now