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Name : Takumi Shihai 

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Name : Takumi Shihai 

Gender : Male

Age : 16 Years Old 

Birthday : July 4

Height : 185 cm

Blood Type : A

Hair Color : Black

Eye Color : Silver

[ Abilities ]


Playmaker: A player who controls the flow of the team's offensive play, and is often involved in passing moves which lead to goals, through their vision, technique, ball control, creativity, and passing ability.

As captain of his middle school's soccer team, Shihai led the team to consecutive victories and they would later be known as one of the strongest middle schools in Japan. With the vision given to him by his Emperor Eye and playmaking, Shihai can grasp the situation and creates constant ideal plays for his team using his passing and dribbling, essentially controlling the offense in his efforts to score goals for himself and fills in any gaps the defense may have by going to the most critical point using his vision.

Goal Poacher: Goal poachers are forwards who wait in the six-yard box or the penalty area for a cross, pass or loose ball and pounce to try to score a goal. The "poaching" refers to the fact that they will often score a goal out of the slightest of opportunities, i.e., steal a goal. Goal poachers usually play as center forwards or second strikers. Shihai with his sharp shooting instinct and ambidexterity has the ability to position himself in critical points inside or outside the penalty box and score goals. Shihai is also capable of taking shots in mid-air and is an expert of performing monstrous goals.  

Shihai is the forward for his first-year high school team and was born with a god-given weapon that is rarely seen even across the entire world, making him a huge threat on the pitch. However, Shihai's dream was soon crushed as he got into high school and gave up on trying to play football seriously, until one day he got a letter in the mail. 


His birthplace is Asakusa, Japan. 

His favorite manga is Jujutsu Kaisen because he finds Toji cool and enjoys seeing him whenever he reads it

His favorite soccer player is Erling Haaland

His favorite music artist is Kenshi Yonezu and his favorite song is Lemon

If he impulsively bought something from a convenience store, it would be a bunch of chocolate

His favorite food is Tempura. His least favorite food is Sushi since he doesn't understand how someone can eat something raw

He started playing soccer when he was 4. Shihai didn't receive any proper football instruction until he was 9 so he just grew up on street ball. 

His favorite season is summer

His hobby is playing shogi or slacking off from soccer practice

His favorite season is summer because he can go swimming at the beach

His favorite movie is Spider Man 2

His favorite subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Physical Education, and World History. He doesn't like doing school safety drills since he thinks no one's gonna listen and panic. He would just bolt out the window if something happened anyway. 

His ideal type of person is someone who can trade witty banter

He received Christmas presents from Santa until he was 10, when his older brother pretended to be Santa and leave a gift for him each year. The last thing he got from him was a pair of wireless headphones and a Playstation 4. 

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