Chapter 45 --I thought you wanted a distraction--

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After all getting back on the Marauder and watching the Remora fly back into the hyperspace highway, you have a group meeting in the middle room of your ship. Tech has his 'comfort' holopad in hand, Hunter is twirling his vibro knife, Wrecker is seated next to Omega and you are leaning against the hallway door frame.

Hunter twirls the vibro blade with the palm of his hand and Tech begins into the topic for this meeting "I know we were investigating possible locations for a 'homeworld' while we are traveling along the outer rim. One of the possible locations we discussed is Artorias and since we are near this planet I wanted to propose a short landing expedition".

"Can we?" Omega asked Hunter, cutting off the end of Tech's explanation.

"Bet they got plenty of food" Wrecker commented, patting his belly.

"The expedition would need to be executed with caution and stealth. From my intel this planet has not been involved with the separatists or the Empire but it is considered one of the

planets within the wild territory of the Outer Rim. We could not simply indulge ourselves--he shoots glare at Wrecker-- or run about and possibly expose ourselves" he looks to Omega, who turns her pleading eyes to Hunter.

"If we used our disguises from Ord Mantell and kept a low profile what are the chances we will encounter any bounty hunters?" you think out loud, and Tech answers "my calculations have determined that a bounty hunter encounter would be 17%, taking into account the unknown area and societal factors".

"So if we explored in small pairs then we should be fine" you reply and Hunter stops twirling his knife.

"It lowers the likelihood of being recognized" Tech agreed and Omega gasped in glee believing that he was going to change his mind.

"Then lets land" Hunter decided "Tech, you can choose a place that would be acceptable for visiting inconspicuously. It will give us a chance to repair the exterior of the hull and explore a possible home base. No more than two people in the city at a time".

"Yes!" Omega exclaims and Wrecker cheers with her. You smile and move out of the doorway as Tech slips by into the cockpit.

"I think you should all think about our disguises" Hunter comments and Omega is quickly off to her room, with Wrecker following behind to clean up his area and pull an acceptable outfit together. You move over to stand next to Hunter and he turns to you with a small smile "I'm sure you'll blend in".

"I've got a few things" you smile back "but I think it will be nice to touch down for a bit".

"Agreed. I know Tech is all about the precautions, but I've got a good feeling about this".

* * *

Tech did find a suitable landing location on Artorias and you began to descend into the atmosphere a few hours after your meeting. From what you had read Artorias would have a medium almost moderate climate, so you decided to wear the top and pants you had used as a bartender on Ord Mantell. The pants were loose around the legs, especially compared to your blacks and the top was short sleeved with a comfortable v-neck. It gave you a desert-person vibe from the more neutral colors but with your hair down and your clone boots hidden under your pants you looked like a 'regular' person. Of course you still had your belt with weapons, and you had considered still wearing your arm gauntlets.

The guys had changed into their 'casual' wear, which was mainly straight pants and a variety of shirts at different lengths. Hunter and Tech had vests, and Wrecker still wore his chestplate piece. Omega changed back into her clothes from Kamino, which you hadn't seen for sometime now and it would appear the legs were getting a bit short for her. Overall the entire group would still stand out as off-world but you didn't appear as mercenaries now.

--Building a New life --Tech x Reader Bad BatchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt