
I'm still crying when someone wipe my tears and hug me.

As I cry on their shoulder, I slowly fall asleep.

Next morning

I wake up with the worst headache of my life. I get up to get some medicine and a glass of water. Suddenly, I realize where I am.

"Shit!" I start picking up my stuff, I run out of the room and head toward de stairs.

As I get down, I slip on the last stairs and fall on the ground.

The noise of me falling made Heeseung, the person who I was so desperately trying to avoid running toward me.

"Are you okay?"

I don't answer, I get up and ask another question instead.

"Why am I here?"

"You were drunk so I bringed you here." He responds.

"Did you understand me last time?" I ask.

"Because it doesn't seem like you did." I add.

"Lia I- "

My phone ring from my back pocket


"Yes, this is Hyun-Shik associates, am I speaking to Lia?"


"Congratulation, you got the job."


"Yes, would it be okay for you to start today?"


"Perfect, we are waiting for you at 10 in front of the office."

"Perfect, I'll be there!"

I jump into Heeseung arm forgetting our conversation.

I look at my apple watch and realize what time it is.

"Shit, I'm going to be late."

I take my stuff that are still on the ground and rush out of Heeseung apartment without saying goodbye.

At the office

When I arrived, someone was waiting for me, they showed me around and explained to me the task I would have to do today.

After a few hours I'm finally ready to start working, I sit at my desk and the phone ring.

"Yes, mister Lee?"

"Come in my office, please."

I knock on the door.

"Come in"

"What can I do for you sir?"

"I just wanted to welcome you" he then gives me a big present.

"Oh no, you didn't have to."

"Don't worry." He said giving me a big smile.

Smiling back to him I say

"Then I'll head back to work."

"Before you leave, my son is supposed to come see me later."

"Good I'll let him in then."

Few hours later

I was deep into my when I heard the phone ring.

"This is Hyun-Shik associates, what can I do for you?"

I'm still speaking on the phone when someone came in.

"Yes, I'll transfer the message." I turn around to answer the person who's waiting.

"What can I do for- Heeseung?" wtf is he doing here!

"Did you come all the way here to speak to me, I told you I didn't want to talk to you anymore." I add starting to feel really frustrated.

The door from the office suddenly open and Mr. Lee step outside to ask me something.

"Lia could you- "suddenly he stops looking at Heeseung.

"Heeseung, you're here, you could have told me that my son arrived." He says smiling at Heeseung than at me.

"Your what!?"

Author note:

Tan Tan tan ! Surprise! Heeseung's father is Lia's new boss what a wonderful new!


Blinded by love (story#1)/Lee Heeseung/Where stories live. Discover now