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It's my fifth interview this week...

I've went to 17 different places, and they all didn't hire me.

"You have a great cv but sorry, you're not what we're looking for."

"We don't need anyone for the moment, all spots were filled yesterday."

"Sorry for making you come all the way here will call you if a spot becomes available."

After my last "We'll call you back" I knew that it meant: "We'll definitely never call you back."

I got a job into an art related job on the first week I started looking, but honestly, it didn't pay, at all. I was going to look for a second job because I loved what I was doing there but the week after it closed. So, I looked for other job, they all didn't pay enough to just have one job, so I figured that I'll use my old administration formation I did back in Australia when I had to work at the front desk in a hotel.

Still, since I didn't major in administration, people are very hesitant when it comes to hiring me.

That's why I'm having another interview today at Hyun-Shik associates, a big company in Korea. They are looking for someone who can speak English to be the new secretary of the CEO. The jobs promise a good amount of money and on top of that, I'm desperate to get a job right now. I can't keep working at a waitress, or I'm going to kill myself. Last night some drunk ass dude called me a slut before lifting skirt. 

He got kicked out of course, but it was just a sign for me to find another job and quick!


There is so many persons, no wonder since they offered so much money for the spot.

I should be stressed, but I'm not. Like I said, it's my fifth interview this week the worst that could happen is for me to not get hired again. Not that much to stress about honestly. It's another interview like all the other I did before.

Who am I trying to convince here, I'm literally shaking right now, I wasn't joking when I said I was desperate. I NEED THIS JOB.

I'm so lost in my thought that I don't hear the girl next to me saying something until she taps on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but do you have any pen I could borrow I need to right down something really quick."

She's speaking English.

"Yeah, yeah sure here you go" I lend her the pen I have in my purse.

She finishes writing a few numbers on a sticky note than give it back to me.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem" then I add.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Japan"

"Oh wow, really?"

"Yeah, I just move here, I'm still learning Korean thought."

"That's cool, you're here for the job offer?"

"Yeah, I'm here for the new spot in the marketing team."

"Oh, I'm here for the secretary spot."

"So, we are not rivals, that's cool!"

"We could be co-worker!"

"Oh my god, that's true! I really wish for you to get it!"

"You too!"

As we continue speaking someone scream her name

"Miss Hatanaka Misaki! »

That's me."

As she gets up, I gave her a little goodbye.

A few minutes later my name was called.

As I enter the office a man tells me to take a seat and offer me a drink

"Would you like some water?"

"Yes, of course" he gave me a bottle of water.

"Thank you"

"So, I saw that you are from Australia?"

The interview kept going like that and I don't know one thing happened after an another and...

"I should present you to my son, I'm sure he'd like you, but maybe not as much as me." He said while laughing and I laugh too than he had add.

"he's really handsome too" he said jokingly.

"If he's as handsome as his father I believe you" I responded joking back.

"Stop, I'm just an old man."

"What do you mean you look 35."

"You really want the job?"


"Continue like that and I might really make you my daughter in law."

As we laugh together a couple more time someone came saying that my time is up and that I need to go. As I get up, I bow and say goodbye.

"we'll call you back."

And that's when all my hopes get destroyed. I really thought it went well, the CEO was super nice to me, honestly, he reminded me my dad, but then ...

I need a drink.

Autor note: 

What do you think about this chapter ? OH and Christmas is in a month !! 

Blinded by love (story#1)/Lee Heeseung/Where stories live. Discover now