You and me- Jorge Martin

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Meeting the riders.

After practise 1 and 2, which you did pretty well on, you got to meet some of the riders. You met Joan Mir, Maverick Viñales, Francesco Bagnaia (Pecco), Fabio Quartararo and Brad Binder.
You sit in your motorhome and change back in your normal clothes. When you finish you hear someone knock on your motorhome.
"Y/N!" It's Pecco. You open the door and see him just standing there staring at you.
"So I do this every year where I throw a party at a restaurant nearby," he says. "I hope you'll come."
"What time?" You reply needing to know.
"6pm. All the riders will be there."
You find this an opportunity to meet the other riders and accept.
"Hey do you wanna come with me now? It's 5:15pm and I wanna make sure you have a transport" he says and smiles.
"Yeah sure," you say and pick up your bag.
You both head out and Pecco drives in awkward silence until he says something to you.
"So, do you know anyone well on the track?"
"Yeah I know Marc and Alex" you say. "Marquez by the way not Rins." You clarified.
"Oh yeah," he laughs. "Alex Rins and Alex Marquez. I'm glad you clarified that."
You keep driving for a little while and then Pecco stops at a place and you see Luca Marini and Marco Bezzecchi, the 2 people who ride Mooney Ducati.
"Hey," they both say to Pecco. "Is this y/n?"
"Yes I am," you say. "Hello."
"You know our names right?" Marco asks.
"Of course I do, you're Marco and he's Luca."
"Correct," Luca replies. "How's your first day been?"
"It's been alright," you say. You start to get a bit iterated as you keep replying to the same question.
"Good," Luca smiles. "Pecco are we nearly there?"
"Yes we are 5 minutes away," Pecco says and you check the time. 5:45pm.
"Good," Marco says. "I'm starving."
You all agree and keep heading there.

You and me- Jorge Martin Where stories live. Discover now