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Kirishima weaved through the gym with ease, Y/n following close behind, intimidated by her near surroundings. Going around the endless maze of equipment, the redhead settled around a stand-alone bench, placing his belongings down and grabbing small dumbells. Timidly, Y/n followed suit and waited for instructions. 

"Alright. We're just gonna start with a quick warm-up and stretch. Just follow my lead, and you'll be set." 

"If you say so...!" Y/n wasn't confident in her skill, but she was going to do her best. 

"You'll be great, don't worry!" 

"How is he so optimistic?"  She wondered. 

Kirishima picked up the dumbbells and did a simple bicep curl, giving Y/n pointers on form as she followed his lead. 

"Are you sure this is just a warm-up?" 

Kirishima laughed as they finished their warm-up sets, "Yes, I'm sure." 

"Oh no." 


As they went around the gym on different pieces of equipment, the foreign to Y/n slowly became familiar. Towards the end of their workout, Kirishima led her to the cables, leaving his things next to the lat pulldown portion. 

He sat down and demonstrated, pulling his shoulders back to engage the muscles. "Alright so here, Imagine you're doing a pull-up. Make sure to engage the muscles in your back and keep straight."

"Alright." Y/n sat down as he set the weight to something low to gauge her strength. She grabbed the overhead bar and tried her best to mimic his movements. She looked up at the ceiling and nervously tensed up, not knowing what she was doing. 

Noticing right away, Kirishima made sure to guide her in the right direction. He placed his hands on her shoulders, "Keep your shoulders down," He then placed his hands along her jawline and directed her head forward, "And look forward, too. I don't want you straining your neck. Trust me, it's not fun."

Y/n's eyes widened at the sudden contact, her cheeks flushing redder than they already were from working out. But still, she kept going. 

Not noticing his actions, Kirishima cheered her on, "There you go! Keep those shoulders down." 

Finally finishing the workout, they separated into their respective locker rooms and gathered their belongings. 

Exiting the building, they were met with the end of fall air, contrasting heavily with the warmth of her body. 

Entering his car once more, Kirishima turned his Mercedes on and headed toward Y/n apartments, his engine rumbling as he hit the gas. 

Recalling their conversation from the day before, he played music that they both liked, hoping Y/n would sing like she said she could. 

She looked out the window, looking at the sights as they drove, humming along to the melody. She couldn't see it, but hearing her voice made him smile. Slowly, she sang the lyrics more than she hummed, revealing her voice quietly. 

As much as he enjoyed hearing her, he couldn't help but compliment it, "I told you your voice was good." 

Not even realizing what she was doing, she stopped, "Oh jeez, I didn't even realize-" 

"It's alright," he smiled, "I like listening to it." 

"I can't. It's embarrassing..." 

"No, no! Keep going!" 

"I can't!" 

"Please?" Kirishima gave her a toothy, pleading smile, his eyes going wide to match. 


"Thank you!" 

As they made their way back to her apartments, Y/n sang to the music but held back due to being nervous. Sensing her nerves, Kirishima sang along with her, the two of them eventually having a lot of fun together on the ride back. 

Through their personal concert, they kept looking toward the teacher and smiling, then getting flushed and turning away. 

It was evident to anyone that they had feelings toward each other already, but neither of them had the boldness to go forth with anything quite yet. 

Pulling up to the front door of the apartment building, he put his car in park and lowered the music. 

"Well, we're here," He smiled at her sweetly. 

"Damn," She responded, "I guess we are." 

"I had a lot of fun with you today, Y/n." 

"I did too!" 

"You think we can do something again sometime?" 

"I was just about to say the same thing." 

"Great minds think alike?" 

"Yes, they do," she smiled, "Thank you for today Kirishima." 

"Anytime, Y/n. Text you later?" 

"For sure!" 

"Bye, Y/n!" 

"Bye Kirishima!" 

As she walked in the door and through the building, Kirishima glanced at her through his window, admiring her. 

"She really is amazing," he thought, "Super talented too."

He put his car in drive and headed back home. Turning up his music and singing along, he quickly realized it was no longer the same without her. 

"How could one person crowd my mind so quickly?" He said to himself, "She's just so pretty, I don't think I can help myself."


Back inside Y/n's apartment, she set her things down and disrobed, getting into a shower and washing off the sweat and hard work of the gym. Washing her hair, she quickly realized how unconditioned she really was, her arms aching as she lathered in the soap. 

Drying off and getting in some pajamas, she took a lazy seat on her couch and turned her phone on to text Hado. 

"Do you remember the client I had yesterday?"

Soon after, the blue-haired girl answered, "Yes?! Did you guys fuck?" 



"Oh please," she reacted, "We went to the gym today."

"Oh my god even better."

"I know!"

"Scale of 1-10?"

"13. For sure."

"You lucky bitch." 

The text conversation continued similarly for a while until the full story of her gym adventure was completed, Hado getting the hots afterward from Y/n's descriptions.

"Alright girl, as much as I would LOVE to keep talking about your hunk, I'm getting jealous and I gotta get to work." 

"Chill out, Hado, You'll find somebody soon enough. I'll see you!" 

"See ya!"

Getting up from the couch, she pushed up with her overworked arms and gathered some food to fuel her now-growing muscles. It wasn't her most exciting meal, but even still, she sat down at her small dining table and scarfed down every bite. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until then, underestimating how much the workout took out of her. 

Even if the workout was tiring and borderline torture for her arms, she couldn't wait to go again. 

1040 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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