Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV

It's been a week since Kei got arrested no new evidence has come to light and she's still the main suspect she hasn't held Levi since then she said 'he doesn't need a criminal as a mother' and no matter how many times me  G or Leah tell her she didn't do anything 'I still got arrested' I hate she's feeling like this she's just the shell of the girl I know is still in there somewhere she's just scared

"I'm taking Lee for a walk, want to come?"

"might do me some good, just help me up please" I smile at her and help her up

"come here little man" I go to put his shoes on

"No  Mama Mummy do it" I look to Kei she looks conflicted but nods her head so I go get his stroller out

she straps him in and we head out to the park

"I love you Luce" she grabs my hand

"I love you too"

"I'm sorry about all of this everyone is asking me how I am and how's lee but no one's asking you" that is true but i'm not the one who got arrested

"Kei don't worry about me I'm ok as long as Levi, you and our little baby growing are healthy and out of prison" she sighs

"Ok but promise me if you need to talk about anything to anyone you will" I kiss her hand

"I promise my love"

"It's going to go to trial isn't it" she looks defeated

"Looks that way but you're going to be found not guilty and me, you, Levi and baby are going on holiday" I state she smiles slightly and nods

"That sounds nice" she sighs while rubbing her belly
"Our little family"

I smile at her

Writers block really hitting hard but I wanted to get a chapter out please vote and comment

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