"I have ways of getting rid of him. Just say the word," Rafe joked.

    Charlie commented, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the room,, "What give him a heart attack by showing him your dick?"

    "No, Rafe has connections," she teased, causing the boy to roll his eyes. Matilda reached out for the joint in Charlie's hand, only to have her hand slapped away by Rafe. She turned to the older boy with a glare and retaliated by hitting his hand. He swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her down onto the bed, holding her tightly in his arms. "Hey, I'm stressed!"

    "Stressed about what?" Rafe chuckled.

    "Uh, have you both forgotten what's happening tonight? It's going to be a complete disaster," she replied, her tone tinged with resignation.

    She was referring to the party their parents were hosting tonight. They threw one every year, and it wasn't just any ordinary gathering like Midsummers. This event was grander and attracted elites from outside of Kildare County. It was a pretentious display of wealth, achievements, and a big show for the men to attempt striking up business deals. And the fact that they were hosting it just two days before a storm spoke volumes.

    "We made it through the last one," Rafe reminded her, his voice filled with reassurance.

    "Barely. Took me three months to recover from that one. I don't know why our families insist on getting together and playing happy all the time. None of them actually like each other."

    "And let's not forget while you were away at college, we had to deal with family brunches every month," Charlie scoffed. "I think he had it easy. What do you reckon?" he asked, glancing at Matilda, who dramatically nodded in agreement as she gracefully rose from the bed and headed towards the closet.

    Rafe rolled his eyes playfully at the pair, "Hey, Ward will be going on and on about how much of a disappointment his son is tonight so you are both safe," Rafe voiced, tinged with pure bitterness.

    Matilda pushed by the closet door, offering Rafe a comforting smile. "My bags are ready to go whenever you are," she joked, even though they had talked about it; countless of times.

    "Count me in," Charlie declared. .

    As Matilda rummaged through her closet, selecting her outfit for the day, her fingers grazed over the sweaters hanging there. She paused momentarily, fixating on the faded grey surfboard co hoodie, before grabbing a thin blue sweatshirt from the hanger.

    "Hey, my mom said to wear that black dress you got the other week tonight," Charlie called out from the room after a few minutes.

    Matilda poked her head out of the closet, wearing a disapproving frown. "Seriously? Have you seen that thing?" she quipped, struggling to pull her shorts up her legs without stumbling. The dress resembled something straight out of a 60s funeral.

    She swiftly pulled the sweatshirt over her head and brushed her hair away from her face. Her gaze landed on Rafe, who was casually leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. "What's up?" she inquired.

    He grinned and straightened up, quickly glancing over his shoulder before stepping further into the walk-in closet. "Nothing. Can't I just miss my best friend?" he playfully teased.

    "Well, it does seem a bit suspicious, but I suppose you can. She probably missed you too," she replied, mocking him while smiling up at the boy.

    "Oh, right," he clicked his tongue, trying to suppress a smile. "Probably isn't very convincing?"

UNCHARTED WATERS, jj maybank, rafe cameron Where stories live. Discover now