CHAPTER 6: The cold never bother them, feelings does

Start from the beginning

"Nah," Anntonia answered, a weak smile appeared in her face as she wrinkle her nose. "Irfan was a good guy. Decent enough for me to agree to go out with him. But I don't know, he just wasn't—" the girl stopped abruptly, as though she'd just been about to blurt out something she shouldn't have.

"He wasn't what?" She prompted with a furrowed brows, her curiosity piqued.

"He wasn't..." the girl trailed off as her smile disappeared. She shook her head, mostly to herself then she look up at the sky. "He wasn't what I need."

It was clear that wasn't what Anntonia meant to say, but she wasn't about to push her. She knew better than to try to get the girl to do or say something she didn't want to. So she went with it anyway, settling to satisfy her personal curiosity.

"What do you need, Anntonia?" She asked, using the girl's real name and she realized, for the past months, she enjoyed calling her Brownie. But she didn't know her real name tasted better in her mouth and its kind of addictive.

But the serious use of the girl's real name got her attention, making her turn to her with a curious look in her eyes.

"What? Where's this coming from?" Anntonia asked as she turned to look at her.

"Nowhere. Just curious. You said he was a good and decent guy but wasn't what you need. Well, what do you need?" She then shrugged like it was no big deal.

The girl turned away again but she swiftly caught a glimpse of something in her eye that she couldn't explain. She wanted to ask about it but Anntonia stood up suddenly, with a determined look on her face. Clearly telling her that they were done talking about this.

"Let's swim." The girl said, her direction was to the pool.


"Yes," she nodded, her features dead set in stone. "Let's swim." She repeated.

"Ann, it's fucking cold," she tried to reason with her. "And it's almost 1am, we'll get sick or else, freeze to death."

Anntonia snorted.

"Don't be so dramatic. Besides, the dorm is near, we'll warm up in few minutes. Come on. Be a little spontaneous, Michelle Dee."

The the girl throw her a wink, already having shrugged off her jacket she lend her earlier. And she had more arguing in her mind. She thought, this was a bad, terrible, stupid idea. But she low-key loved it. It was the middle of the night. The sky is full of stars and she's with her friend and they're about to swim in a cold water. This was so dumb and beautiful at the same time.

So, before she could change her mind, she stood up and started walking, following Anntonia, while she watch her taking off her top and throwing it behind her, then she kick her shoes, and took off her jeans until she was standing at the edge of the pool with nothing but a pair of underwear. This time, she didn't look away. If she was to see Anntonia in her underwear, she preferred to delay the moment as long as she could or for it to happen when they were already underwater. But after few moments, she finally look away because she's starting to feel things she shouldn't be feeling. And at the same time, she didn't want Ann to see the hungry look on her face as she took in her body and for her to realize that she did, in fact, see her not just her friend but a woman. A hot, gorgeous and dangerous one.

"Don't tell me you swim in a pair of jogging pants." The girl said, smirking at her and that's when she started regretting her decision to follow whatever she planned to do. "Come on, don't be a buzz kill, Michelle Dee. Spontaneous, remember?" She added.

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