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1. PICK A GOAL. Positive thinkers are people who believe in setting goals for personal achievement. Almost without exception these goals appear, at first to be unrealistic. But the POSITIVE THINKER knows that nothing is impossible until he stops setting goals.

Make up your mind that goal-setting is absolutely necessary!

"But goal-setting creates great tensions and anxiety", someone said recently in my hearing. He continued, "A major cause of frustration and anxiety in our age is the terrible habit of setting high goals and pressuring ourselves relentlessly." the most important thing is life is tensionless peace of mind. Tension and anxiety then are the modern devils that rob us of our happiness. So goals are dangerous because goals generate tensions! So "goals are absolutely essential," "for goals give meaning to living." Will they not create anxiety? Yes, perhaps they will. But this anxiety and tension can be the constructive motivating power in our life.
If the goal-pursuing human being experiences some time of mental unpleasantness like "worry" or "tensions" or "anxiety," at least he is alive. But the goalless or goal-arrived human being will suffer a far worse fate: boredom. And that is a living death.
Goals are not absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.

*Not having a goal is more to be feared than not reaching a goal.

2. DON'T LET FEAR PUSH YOU DOWN. It is amazing how fear will creep in as you begin to imagine yourself moving forward in an enterprise. No person is ever totally immune from fear and trepidation. Once you have created some noble goal in your mind you must discipline your thinking, prohibiting fear from making his impious entrance into your imagination.

It's amazing what fears can rise. None rises more quickly than the fear of failure.

"I would rather attempt to do something great and fail, than attempt to do nothing and succeed!"

If you are tempted to fear that you might not make your goals, remember that "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for? "Not failure, but low aim, is crime." Fear nothing more than fear itself.

3. IMAGINE YOURSELF GETTING STARTED. "The hardest part of any job is getting started." It usually requires very little to begin something big. The first sale is always the hardest. The odds are great that if you will begin, you will achieve. For positive ideas are immortal. Even if your dream seems impossible- begin!

Begin by writing your idea on paper . Sketch an impression of what you hooe to build, or an outline of what you hope to write.


*The *IS" must never catch up with the "OUGHT."

Therefore the POSITIVE THINKER holds in the back of his imagination goals beyond his goals. Challenge and achievement are the very ebb and flow of tide of life. Without challenge and achievement we are living as a dead men. God pity the man who catches up with his goals and will not, or cannot, imagine greater levels toward which he can strive.

I have known the pain of frustration and anxiety when desired goals seemed unattainable. Also you cannot live long in the joy of yesterday's accomplishments.

*When you catch up with your goals you are in trouble!

I've learned now to have goals beyond my goals.

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