I'm most likely cancelling this

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Well hiiii haven't seen y'all in a while

Tldr: I'm really just putting this on hold for a while

I finally have my laptop back! But like the title reads I'm probably not continuing this, I'm still in love with the fandom but a lot has happened. Like:

1. I got a girlfriend! She's amazing, however is iffy about me writing fanfics for obvious reasons. She's mostly okay with it but she just found out she's a trans girl. So I want to be there for her through this all before I continue with this book.

2. I cringe so fucking hard at this book it's not even funny, if I do come back to this I'm revamping all chapters.

3. I'm working on a whole ass other book. This isn't anything on watt pad just me writing stories to maybe publish in stores one day

4. School. Because I'm in 2 advanced classes and to stay in them and advance further I need to keep my grade above a B- for every quarter. Although easy for me is still stressful.

5. Family medical issues.

6. I have changed a lot as a person and don't really find fanfics too interesting to write.

There are probably more reasons but that's all I have for now; I might come back to it but I need to take care of this right now. I hope y'all can understand. I guess his is more of a hiatus than me actually cancelling it but you won't hear from this book for the rest of this year. I'll probably still be fairly active so if you have any questions, ask them!

See you all in 2024 hopefully!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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