How they deal with you during shark week

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I'm currently listening to

Mind Brand (Dj-Jo Remix) Ver. Kuraiinu feat. Dr.R (ENGLISH)

while writing this.......... Not sure that fits the theme but oh well.

Okay so I'm already a pretty emotional person. I always feel like breaking down, stabbing people and sleeping. BUT on my monthly I'm basically a demon, although my family says I'm somehow friendlier during it? Anyways please enjoy me trying to be funny while it's 1.AM.

UPDATE!!! I'm terribly sorry but I'm going to remove Arlan, Yanqing , and Welt. The reason for this is that I struggle to write them and I feel like I can't really do them justice. I might add them back later.


-He is TERRIFIED of you.

-He avoids you like the plague when your on your period.

-He WILL jump in trashcans if he spots you walking his way.

-But he isn't a bitch about it.

-^If you text him, asking for pads/tampons, chocolates, etc, He will go grab it for you.

-Overall sweet but still terrified, 9/10.



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You set down your phone, and continued to laze around on your bed. Five minutes later, you heard a knock on your door, Caelus opened the door and peeked his head through, smiling sheepishly at you.

He walked in, closing the door behind him and sat over next to you on your bed. He hands you the chocolate which you excitedly take, you open the bag and your cheerful grin fades. Caelus sensing your mood, grows nervous.

"Caelus....." He flinched when he heard you speak, you only said his full name when you were pissed. "Yes dear...?" He nervously asked. "Why is there (Insert least favorite chocolate)? Where is my (Insert favorite chocolate)......?" You spoke, face down still looking in the bag, your hair falling infront of your face, giving you an even eerier vibe.

Caelus visibly gulped, as he started walking away from you. You slowly lifted your face, revealing your utterly terrifying gaze. Caelus froze, none of you said anything as you held eye contact with each other. You suddenly lunged forward, Caelus shrieked, turning around and nearly ripping your door off it's hinges, before running through the hall. Let's hope he will survive your wrath.

-Dan Heng

-Dan Heng would be a little more calm about it.

-He knows what to do, although the first time was absolute hell.

-You tend to get very emotional and sensitive during your monthly.

-Anything anyone says you will cry about, saying how they hate you.

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