Velvet hesitated, revealing uncertainty in her demeanor, yet ultimately decided to step out and manage affairs for both you and Veneer. Fearing the consequences of leaving you, unwell and isolated, she reluctantly delegated responsibilities to her brother. Inhaling deeply, she playfully dismissed the extensive list on her notes app by blowing a raspberry. "Heading out, love you, bro," she conveyed, waving farewell as she departed, umbrella in hand.

"Stay safe, I love you more!" Veneer beamed, straightening his posture for the significant role he was about to take. He was now the master of the house, and it was certainly a big deal for him.

He strides into the room, finding you on your phone, a confused expression on your face. "What's wrong?" he asks, walking closer to investigate. You turn the phone so the screen is in his view. "Why do I have the Bop on Top host blocked on Instagram?" you ask, almost accusingly. Veneer quickly clears his throat in panic. "I don't know; you tell me," he nervously chuckles. "I have him blocked on Twitter too?" you complain. Veneer decides to dismiss it with a random fact in a nervous fit.

"Did you know that our parents are dentists?"

You blink in mild confusion. "Uhm, no." Veneer sighs in relief, quickly regaining his composure. "They named me after Veneers, you know, the ones for your teeth," he explains, earning a puzzled look from you. Seizing the opportunity while you're still processing this dental revelation, he gently places a thermometer in your mouth.

"Pfft, like, the things that cover imperfections?" you inquire, earning a nod from Veneer. You chuckle, noting the amusing contrast between Velvet's proper name and Veneer's dentist-related moniker—poor guy.

"You're hot," Veneer remarks with a flat tone. You can't help but scoff, fully expecting such a consequence. "Figured," you reply nonchalantly. As the thermometer emits a soft beep, Veneer swiftly snatches it up, tilting it to scrutinize the displayed temperature. "Well, your temperature is perfectly fine," he adds, a touch of reassurance in his voice.

A red flush claims its place on your cheeks. "Oh, I thought you meant-" you stammer, only to be interrupted by Veneer's reassuring declaration, "All you need is rest, and you'll be good as new!" he beams.

You stop for a moment, a random compliment lingering, only to playfully brush it off with a casual shake of your head. "By the way, with dentist folks as parents, do you happen to have this knack for spotting problems without, you know, all the fancy gear?" you ask, attempting to change the topic.

Veneer blinks, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I can actually. Mom brought me along all the time," he responds, the warmth of cherished memories evident.

A light chuckle escapes you. "Mind giving mine a quick once-over?" you ask, grinning from ear to ear. Veneer snorts at your playful request, his gaze lingering admiringly on your smile. "Well, I can't say for sure,"  He leans down to level with your sitting frame.

A swift onset of vertigo envelops you, shrouding your surroundings in a nebulous haze, rendering them elusive and challenging to discern. Your attempts to bring clarity to the scene prove elusive as the world takes on a dreamlike quality, each element dancing on the periphery of your conscious understanding.

"You'll have to open your mouth."

"Oh." You murmured, in the charged air, his authoritative words echo, demanding your attention. His towering presence exudes a magnetic force, prompting your hesitant compliance. As you yield, parting your lips, Veneer's discerning gaze narrows, methodically exploring your vulnerability.

⠁𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐋𝐄 ★༉ ( Velvet and Veneer x Reader ) (Trolls Band Together)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon