"nothing much, you know school and all" I said and took a sip of my hot coco "what about you?" I added

"well I like my school, and I've learned that girls here seem to be going crazy about British accent" he said smiling

"trust me they are" I replied

"what about you?" he asked looking at me

"and what about me?" I replied

"are you crazy about me?" he asked looking at me his eyes help emotion that I couldn't read

"I-I..." I tried to speak but I was out of word his look got me frozen

"I meant are you crazy about my accent?" he said looking down at his drink and I felt relived

"oh yeah I like it, it's sort of hot and sexy you know" I replied laughing as he laughed with me

"I'm sexy and I know it" he singed

"you're cocky and you blow it" I replied with a wink then a customer came in I was about to stand but Martha took care of him

"you're still not gonna tell me about the surprise?" I asked I really wanted to know where is he taking me

"nope not telling" he replied finishing his hot coco "this is really good"he added

"I'm glad you liked it sir" I stated

"I like everything those hands make my beautiful lady" he said while taking a hold of my hand and kissing the top of it and I blushed then more costumers started to come and I had to get to work

Julian stayed and helped us serving the drinks, a lot of girls tried to hit on him but he refused them politely, the time passed and it was dark outside and time to close the café

"Grams I'll take Hailey somewhere then come back after don't wait for me" Julian said while kissing his Grandmother on the cheek

"Okay honey just be careful alright?" she said and he nodded taking my hand and pulling me with him we walked until we reached a cliff and he asked me to close my eyes

"Julian I'm too young to die please don't hurt me" I said

"Haha so funny now close your eyes" he ordered and I did so we continued walking then he stopped me

"Now open them" he said and I did

"Wow" I gasped I was facing the most beautiful view ever I could see the whole city from here and the lights then I looked up to the full moon and the glowing stars

"this is really amazing Julian" I said "so beautiful" I added

"yes it is" he said I turned to look at him but unlike me he wasn't looking at the view but was looking at me and smiling

"so how did you find this place" I asked him while sitting on the grace

"I was exploring the city and I got here and realized how quite this place is and I decided it will be my secret place now" he said taking a seat next to me on the grace and turning to me "I meant ours" he added and I smiled I looked at the city again and breathed in and out this place is really relaxing then I put my head on Julian's shoulder and looked at the beautiful sky

"tell me about your dreams" Julian spoke

"I honestly don't remember them, I used to have plenty but then they all faded by time and all now I don't think I have any of them left" I said in all honesty "what about you?" I added

"for now I'm just waiting to see where life will take me, but I think I found my dream" he said and I looked up to him and found him already looking at me with dreamy eyes

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now