Chapter 1

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'Mom, if you can hear this, please save me from this hellhole.'

My tears stained the dirty bedsheets as I cried for my mother.

I opened my eyes as I heard my foster mother screaming for me, she never let me have a moment of peace.

'Coming miss!' I said while standing up from my mattress and going up the creaky basement stairs.

My foster mom, Marylin Bardot, is a very ruthless woman, she always complained about stuff and never cared about my feelings.

The only reason she took me under her wing is because of the pay, which she mostly uses to buy drugs for her and her boyfriend Jared. My mom died while giving birth to me in prison and my dad was a soldier who died in battle, so I was forced to go into foster care.

Eventually, Marylin decided to take me in this year when I turned 18 because she liked having someone to boss around and someone working as her little maid.

I followed Marylin's voice till I ended up in the kitchen.

She always gave off an eery vibe with her long protruding nose, long cheekbones, small lips, and thin brows. I have to admit though, she was beautiful.

She has short frizzy hair that was always up in a bun and never really cared to style it.

'Why isn't dinner done by now? Also, Jared dropped his beer bottle, go and clean it up.'

I could smell the smell of alcohol on her from a mile away.

'I'm sorry miss, I didn't think you guys would be back from the bar so soon, so I-I thought I'd have more time.' I stammered.

'No, I don't care about your stupid excuses.' She slapped me, hard, across the face.

'You don't get to eat for a whole day now. I hope this teaches you a lesson, and go clean up that mess already you good for nothing! Be grateful you even have a roof over your head.'

'Yes, miss.'

I felt my chest tighten, but I said nothing as I looked down at the floor and went to clean up her little boyfriend's mess.

He was laying on the couch passed the fuck out because of how much alcohol he drank.

There on the carpet was the spilled beer bottle.

It would take a long time to clean since I didn't have many cleaning supplies except an old T-shirt from when I was little and some water. Marylin never really cared about buying any since I was the one who could magically do everything while needing nothing in return.

I vigorously scrubbed the stain till my arm was sore when I heard the oven beep.

Dinner was ready.

I put the T-shirt down and went to take the freshly made lasagne out.

As I took the dish out my hand accidentally got burned because It was shaking so much.

I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from screaming because I didn't want Jared to hear me and wake up mad.

As I put it on the counter I quickly went to put my hand under some cold water. This wasn't good.

That wasn't important though. I had to get the table ready.

Carefully picking up the plates, I put them down on the counter and put in the lasagne.

It smelled so good, that my stomach rumbled and I had to stop myself from taking a bite.

I anxiously picked up each one of the plates and carefully put them on the table.

When it was all set I called out for Marylin and Jared.

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