chapter 1

3 0 0

(they are 18-19, in class 3A)

No one's pov:

After a long day in class and training, most of 3A tread back to the dorms. Izuku and katsuki however, make there way to recovery girls office for the 4th time that week, and it was Friday.

Katsuki wasn't injured during training, but izuku has badly sprained his ankle and katsuki was carrying him there because he couldn't walk without pain.

However Katsuki didn't mind this, he and izuku started dating in there 2nd year, and there 1 year anniversary was next month. They had been with eachother for a while and we're comfortable in there relationship.They told the rest of there class 5 months in, and it came as a shocker to everyone except shoto and mina. who predicted everything, as the conspiracy theorist shoto was and mina just lived for the drama.

Katsuki stepped into recovery girls office, holding deku bridle style.

"Ah, here again are we? Isn't this the 4th time this week? Come on, what did you do this time."

Izuku looking guilty and embarrassed sat on the blue bed that doctors always have after katsuki put him down. Katsuki on the other hand just stood in the door way, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed staring at izuku in dissapontment.

"Uh...well you see, in training we were doing some quirk assessment thing to extend how much our bodies can take of our quirks, and I was running and sprained my ankle.."

recovery girl tutted at him, grabbed some gummys and gave him a kiss on the head and sent him on his way.

"It's really incredible how fast recovery girl can heal people isn't it kacchan! Her quirk is so useful in situations where training exerciseis and fights take place and people get hurt, she could start her own business o-or run a hospital specialised for heros!, without her I think my hero career would be a failure, honestly I need to give her a thank you gift"

Katsuki smiled as he looked down to his boyfriend rambling, he grew quite fond of it over the time they spent together.

"Your rambling nerd"

"And- ..Oh am I? Sorry kacchan"

Katsuki smiled and kissed izukus head as they walked into the dorms.


Katsuki and izuku were a little surprised at the shouting coming from the kitchen, there class mates weren't ones to sqoble nowa days. Katsuki stopped into the kitchen with izuku behind him.


uncaring of the irony, kirishima and kaminari shut up.

"Um, what was that all about? Is everything okay?" Izuku asked, as kirishima glared at denki and a few more people entered the kitchen to see what was going on (mina, Tsu, and sero)

"No! This idiot thinks it's a good idea to raid a shop!"

"Kiri you know that's not what I said.."

Katsuki sighed, forever tired of whatever bullshit they were talking about.

"And why does duncface want to raid a shop"

"I don't!, I SAID I think it would be fun if we snuck into a Walmart after it closed and stayed there the night, you know, just for shits n giggles"

Everyone went silent, some deep in thought at the idea and others wondering what the fuck was he on about.Finally izuku spoke up.

"You.. want to brake into a Walmart..and sleep there the night..why?"
Before denki could answer katsuki said something that supprised everyone.

"Doesn't sound to bad actually, I'd do that"

Everyone stared at him in shock exept denki.

"See! Kacchan gets it!" Izuku glared at him, he dispised it when denki called katsuki kacchan. Denki quickly corrected himself.

"I-i mean bakugou.."
Izuku sighed and looked at the 2 blonds, kirishima giving the same expression.

"It's always the blondes" everyone started giggling, and katsuki flicked izuku on the head.

"Says you! You have done worse shit then sneaking into a Walmart!"katsuki taunted back.

"Oh yeah? Like what??"


Everyone went quite for a second before the majority agreed.

"Shut up! You smoke!"-izuku
"You vape!"
"Y-you uh, drink!"
"So do you!"
"You used to smoke flowers!"

Izuku then proceeded to kiss katsuki, and katsuki did not keep his word, and kept izukus lip intact.

"Um, anyway does anyone actually Wana try it?" Mina spoke up

"What? Kissing?"

"No you red head, staying in a Walmart overnight!"

There was a collective silence, katsuki agreed and mina wanted to try it, they were the most sensible right? Yeah..

"Um, midobro what do you think?"

"I'll do it if kacchans doing it"

After a 5 muinet descussion, the people who agreed to go were-

"Awh! Come on Tsu I don't want to be the only girl there!"

The boys just all looked at eachother slightly uncomfortable, exept katsuki who was gay and didn't care, izuku got flustered over anything and he was bi, denki was bi and not used to girls, kirishima was embarrassed about mina being embarrassed and sero was upset because he didn't want mina to be uncomfortable

"Sorry mina, but I'm going home Saturday for my brother's birthday "

"Ugh, oh well"

Mina then turned to the boys and sighed.

"You better bring deodorant Blasty "

Izuku was the only one who dared to giggle and katsuki squeezed his cheaks for it.

"Ow ow ow- kacchan! I'm sorry okayyy!"
"Fucking dipshit "

They all talked about the time they would meet at said Walmart, tomorrow and went to there own dorm rooms, izuku going to katsukis though as always on Fridays.

They got to katsukis room and izuku flopped onto the bed as katsuki locked the door and sat down next to izuku.izuku thought katsuki looked calm, izuku loved seeing him like this, his expression was so soft when he wasn't upset. He was beautiful all the time but right now he was breathtakingly stunning. The light seaped out of the slit in the curtain and shone on the side of katsukis face, making his red eyes even more pigmented. Izuku could get lost in those eyes. He could stay like this forever, until katsuki caught him staring.

Izuku grinned at his boyfriend
"Just admiring how pretty you are'

Katsuki obviously got embarrassed and a tint of pink spread across his face as he looked away.

"Shud up shit nerd..your the pretty one"

Izuku smiled at katsukis attempt to complement him. Izuku sat up and hugged the blond

"Thank you kacchan, I love you"

"Uh uh love you too you idiot"

Katsuki hugged izuku back and ruffled his hair.

"Now come on let's watch a movie or something, got a big day tomorrow"

1210 words.

it's 1:55am and I have school tomorrow yay👍 wow I chose the perfect time to do this didn't I. PLEASE let me know if I should keep writing this fic, I don't want to waste my time but I feel like this could really go somewhere, I got an idea in my mind.

Hope you have a good morning/evening/night, wherever you are rn! See you in the next chapter.

the outside is inside (MHA fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon