After the years passed, she entered high school where she found Y/N yet again but was utterly nervous. When she saw him fight against a large number of students at the beginning of the year, she saw that he had changed a lot. Eventually, she mustered up the courage to find him skipping class on the school rooftop as what happened next flew by leading to where things are now.

She grabbed her head in frustration while tears fell from her eyes feeling utterly pathetic not being able to stop him. Should've she been there from the start when Clockwerk appeared? What about never leaving his side? So many questions flooded her mind wondering if there was something she could've done to help him. However, it didn't matter what she thought, it was clear that finding Y/N was practically impossible now.

Tears fell from her eyes as she felt utterly hopeless. She didn't know what to do what to do as the thought of losing him utterly terrified her.

Loona: Fucking damn it. Weeping. I' pathetic.

She felt a tense pain in chert as if it was a feeling that hurt her beyond anything else.

Meanwhile, the anthropomorphic bear that accidentally hit Y/N with his car was driving him to a location that was hidden. After he hit Y/N, he carefully placed him in the backseat and quickly but safely drove back to the hideout where a few others were waiting. 

He drove to the opposite side of the city heading towards some abandoned buildings where he entered a secret passageway that was hidden behind a pile of scrap. When he got close, the passageway opened up as he drove into it before it was sealed behind him. The path led to an underground area that was big enough to store a few semi-trailers. He parked the car near the main area and got out of the car.

???: Hey, tovarishchi!!(comrades) I need some help here!!

A few members stepped out from various parts of the place as they had appearances of various bears, sharks, hellhounds, and bird-like folk along with several other different animals.

???: What's the deal? Did you do something special?

???: Not now!!! Get a stretcher!! Hurry!!

???: What for?

???: Just hurry, vy chertovy idioty!! (you fucking idiots)

He opened the back door and most of them saw an odd-looking person while a few recognized him.

???: Isn't that boy you told us about?

???: Ja!! Though he needs medical treatment!!!

He carefully carried him out of the car as they all saw how badly he was injured. In a split second, they all quickly scattered doing whatever they could to help. Some of them quickly got a stretcher as they placed Y/N on it before they quickly rushed him to the medical area.

???: How the hell did this happen?

???: Well, it's a bit complicated.

???: Bullshit, mekhovoy komok.(furball)

They quickly ran into the medical area where the doctor, a barred owl, was sitting at his desk going over some papers

???: Enough!!! Oi, Strelkov!!! We need your help!!!

Strelkov: Oh what the fuck is now!! I'm in the middle.

He stopped midsentence when he saw the person on the stretcher and he quickly ran over examined him while he used his stethoscope.

Strelkov: Yebat'(fuck) this is bad. He's had multiple broken bones and potentially damaged organs. GET THE OPERATING ROOM READY STATE!!!!

The others quickly did as Strelkov told them.

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