The one after Rio N1

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"Hey", he says softly into his phone as he lowers the toilet lid and sits on it.

"Hi", she replies. Her voice sounds congested, and he knows she has been crying.

"I am really sorry, Taylor. How are you feeling?" he asks eyeing the door. He can hear the muffled chatter and loud music outside.

"Like I am in a new hell" , she sniffles. "None of it is your fault", he quickly cuts her off.

"I feel responsible, and upset and really mad. I was so excited to finally play here" She ends on a sad tone.

"Makes sense" he says and pauses before continuing. "Have you considered cancelling it all together, babe. I think you should get out of there". He frowns concerned.

"I can't" she moans, the endearment so familiar it gets lost on her. "There's the fans, and the organizer is pushing for us to go on, they are willing to implement all measures to make the event safe and..."

"Yes, you can. It is not safe in any way", he says sounding annoyed, he rubs his face with his free hand. "what does your team say?, please listen to them, it is not the time to be stubborn, Tay".

"I can't believe you just called me stubborn", She chuckles softly, appreciating his concern, and he relaxes slightly. "We are looking at it from all angles, we have increased security, we will do the right thing. Now distract me and tell me whose bathroom are you hidden in?" he hears the smile on her voice and can't help a smile and a chuckle. How does she know?

"Ed's", he answers.

"oh shit! I forgot about his show! I didn't call him!" she exclaims

"I am sure he will understand"

"so how was it?" she asks

"Remarkable, as usual, it's Ed. I am a bit jealous, such a great venue to play", he says, referring to the Royal Albert Hall, where Ed had played tonight his new album in its entirety, for the first time, in a 2 night exclusive event.

"Maybe you should do the same", she suggests.

"I need a new album first" he snorts, and he has not been really inspired lately. Which kind of bothers him, but he doesn't feel tonight is the right time to share this thought with her.

"He credited you for introducing Aaron to him", he says smiling, remembering when he had mentioned her in his opening speech.

"Yeah, he does that, but it is all his doing, I only gave him his email!" she laughs softly, and then sighs deep.

He hears it. "It is going to be ok. Just be safe" he adds, wishing he could hold her, like he used to.

It was all they had needed to ease any worries back then; when they had struggled with media attention, or uncertainty on what they were doing by being together, no words needed. But she has someone else to hold her now, and maybe it is better this way.

"You are cute when you worry , Styles" she teases him. He grins wide at her words, and shakes his head. "Am I now?" he teases back.

"Yes, I didn't think you would, and I like it".

He shakes his head again. He didn't think he would either, he should not. But here he is locked in one of his best friend's bathroom, at this ungodly hour, in the middle of an after show party, just to hear her voice, and make sure she is ok.

"I have not been the kindest to you lately" she adds. 

He knows she is referring to her 1989 re-recording and their last conversation. Would it sound crazy if he said he didn't mind anymore?, that he had thought about it and he was done with those versions of themselves, that he preferred, whatever this is they had now, so much better.

Even if their new found "friendship" had taken a hit lately, when she had started dating someone new so publicly, and her 1989 vault tracks had made them revive old wounds, putting a damp on their connection. He was still willing to put it all aside.

"We already spoke about it, we are good, Swift", he smiles.

"Always the gentleman..." he can see her rolling her eyes as she says it, and he laughs.

"Trying to, these days" he says. He hears the knock on the door.

"Hazza, you alright there mate?" comes Ed's voice, loud.

She hears it, "is that Ed?", "yeah, you want to talk to him?" he says already getting up. "NO!" she yells. And he freezes on his way to the door. Confused for a second.

Ed knocks again. "All good! Be right back" he shouts for Ed to hear. "Ok!" comes Ed's voice as an answer.

"Sorry", she says "I just rather he does not know about..", "about us talking?" he finishes off for her, frowning again.

"You know how it is, if it comes out then people start talking, and it's just too much noise..." she trails off before adding, "and we have other people to consider".

He knows she means their current partners, which he tends to forget about when they are talking.

"Yeah", he agrees, feeling suddenly deflated.

"I better let you go." She says. "Thanks for calling, and for caring, it means a lot" she adds appeasing.

"Just don't do any crazy stuff, right?", he reminds her lightly.

"I won't, Harry", she chuckles softly, "Give Ed a hug for me".

"I will".

"Take care, Styles" she smiles.

"Bye, Swift".

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