The Competition Begins

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A/N for the solo I couldn't find anyone that matched the skin tone for Destinee so don't pay attention to the skin apparently there are no mixed girls doing dance competitions.

Destinee's POV

   I was finishing my homework when mommy walked in with groceries she had just come back from the store and left me at home with my tutor. My tutor is for my homeschooling so she's basically like my teacher and I love it. We tried public school but it was just too much with my schedule so mom took me out of school and got me into homeschooling. She sits the groceries down on the counter and comes over to kiss my head. Mommy has always been very affectionate when it came to me because I was her first and only child.

   She puts the groceries away and my tutor leaves while mommy makes me a snack to eat on the ride to dance class. My dance studio is getting its reality TV show called Dance Moms and it's supposed to be like a 7 episode show. It's cool I was chosen to be a part of the show with my mommy and daddy. "Okay, Des it's time to go make sure you have everything in your dance bag," Mommy says and I nod rushing upstairs double checking my dance bag to make sure I have everything I need.

   We get in the car and Mommy drives me to dance class all of my friends who are also going to be on Dance Moms are coming later because they have school and don't get out until 3:30 I get to go early and get extra classes in before practice for competitions. We get to the dance studio and see people setting up cameras and Ms.Abby is sitting at the front desk. "Hi, Ms.Abby," I say smiling and waving and she waves back at me and Mommy. I start stretching and I get ready for my hip-hop class. 

   After I finish in my hip-hop class the girls start to show up and I get into my dance shoes so I am ready when practice starts. "Hey, Dessi are you ready for this dance season?" Chloe asks me as she stretches sitting in her spits. I smile at her and nod, "Yeah and I'm super excited I'm 8 now so I can be in a lot more dances this year and I go up against you and Maddie." Once all of the girls are here Ms.Abby calls us into studio A along with our mothers.

   The mothers stand in a line facing Ms.Abby and we sit on the floor while Ms.Abby stands by the chalkboard that is blank. "All right girls it's the first day of rehearsal for the new competition season, ladies you all know why you're here, you are the creme of the crop in your age group, and I have lots of new ideas in store. I'm gonna do something that no other competition team in the country does, every single competition we are doing a new routine," Ms.Abby says.

   We all look over at our mothers confused and that seems to anger Ms.Abby. "Girls don't look at your mothers I am the coach, I am the teacher." She says her voice raising slightly.

{ Interview with Destinee}

"Miss Abby yells a lot and sometimes it's hard not to laugh because her face gets all red and puffy.

Miss Abby continues with her speech, "I can make you or I can break you." Miss Abby turns around the chalkboard and it has all of our faces on it.

The pyramid:


Maddie, Chloe, Brooke

Paige, Nia, Mackenzie

   Miss Abby starts talking again, "Everyone wants to be front and center I hear it all the time, whoever is in the front and center can't make a mistake, they are holding that group together. So at the top, I have Destinee because of your amazing record last year and the fact that you won two national titles last year as well. Our first competition is going to be in Phoenix Arizona. Ladies I chose Phoenix Arizona because I want you to experience some of the best competition teams in the country. We are going to do two new numbers a high energy-cute adorable routine with Maddie, Chloe, Paige, Brooke, Nia, and Destinee. Then we are also doing a trio with Maddie, Chloe, and Paige. Unfortunately Mackenzie you're too young to compete at West Coast Dance Explosion but you're still going to go with us."

   I grab Kenzie's hand reassuringly and she smiles at me, "Girls we are going to win in Phoenix and the next competition we are gonna win, and the next competition we are gonna win, and that's all gearing up to Nationals. We are going to begin the choreography moms you can be dismissed." I wave goodbye to my mom as she leaves then I look back at Miss Abby. "Girls let's go to nationals and bring home the winning trophy." Miss Abby finishes speaking and we start working on Party Party Party.

   {Destinee and Morgan interview.}\

"My name is Morgan and this is my 8-year-old daughter, Destinee, she has been dancing since she could walk I remember she was always doing little dances when music would start playing so I talked my husband into getting her into dance. She has won 6 national titles since she started dancing. We took her out of public school cause it was stressing her out and we just want what's best for our daughter so now she does home-schooling. She excels in homeschooling she is reading at a 7th-grade level in the 2nd grade and her math is two grade levels above the other girls in the dance group. She's such a smart kid and she is kind to doesn't have a mean bone in her body, I like to say she is the most perfect kid in the world."

4 days till the competition.

It's a new day and we're practicing Party Party Party and Maddie looks like she's about to be sick. Miss Abby said that even though she doesn't feel good she has to dance through it. Soon though Maddie runs out of the studio to the bathroom, I feel really bad for her. Soon though she is back in the room dancing with the rest of us like nothing happened.

1 day till the competition

We are in studio A working on Party Party Party when a mom comes into the studio yelling at Miss Abby I look on wide-eyed and I cover my ears I've never liked when people argue. The lady followed Miss Abby around the building yelling and Miss Abby kicked her and her daughter out and called the police.

Competition Day

We arrive at West Coast Dance Explosion on our bus and we start taking all of our stuff off of the bus and dragging it inside. We were being a bit too loud and Abby got mad at us, "Girl library voices in here."  Christi mocks her making me laugh. We get to our dressing room and we start setting up our makeup area we were all doing well when we suddenly heard Paige start crying. We all went over to see what happened and we learned that Paige got burned by the curling iron her mom was using. We all finished getting dressed after making Paige feel better and we went on stage to perform.

   I don't think we did that good with Party Party Party but we'll see what the judges think. We all sit and wait to see what score we get. The announcer called our group and we got 3rd Place what a total loss. Hopefully, Pin-up girls, get first or Miss Abby's gonna be real mad at us.

 They got first place even though Chloe's headband fell down in front of her face Miss Abby was not pleased about that but we went home with that victory.

Dance for your lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora