Pt4. Ready or Not

Start from the beginning

Espio's expression remained neutral, his own mind trying to prevent him from being bias. "It's okay to feel contempt for someone that hurts those you care for, whether the damage was permanent or not."

"-But I don't hate them... I feel bad for them. I feel like- they never had anyone there for them, they never had someone who had their back. And then being accepted into your clan and learning from them just to have to run away... Regardless of the terms that hurts, spending that much time being surrounded by others that accepted you as one of them hurts when you lose the connection." Tails sighs quietly. Espio opens his mouth for a second but clamps it shut, waiting for Tails to finish his thought. "-The only picture I can remember of them is a furrowed brow in disdain or fear... My brain keeps on going back to how frightened they looked that rainy night, like they expected it to be their last..."

Espio hums in affirmation, closing his eyes. "I won't say you're wrong for feeling sympathy for them, but I also encourage you to remember that their past isn't your responsibility to shoulder. Actions have consequences, we all have to live with that."

Tails furrowed his brow at the remark. "I know you're right but- It still just.. doesn't feel fair. After they disappeared I started to think to myself 'how would I have turned out if Sonic hadn't been there for me?' Would we be enemies today? Would anyone that I love still be in my life? It's really hard accepting that they're an enemy when it seems like they never really got a fair chance to be anything else..."

Espio remained quiet as he absorbed what Tails had said, his own mind lamenting the circumstance when presented in such a compassionate light. "Unfortunately Tails, I don't believe you will ever feel peace for that. It's part of what makes you a hero, not willing to accept injustice. But you also have to accept that you can't save everyone you meet."

Tails' shoulders sink a little as he contemplated quietly.
He knew Espio was right
He knew that at the end of the day if you end up getting executed it was something you knew would happen given your actions.

It wasn't his responsibility...

-it wasn't his responsibility...

... it wasn't...


Midday fades into late evening as the ship approaches the surface of the alleged Eggman facility. The waves crash gently across the shore as you and Viper jump down onto the sandy shore clad in dark navy cloaks. Your belt hangs from your waist with various different bits of gear inside the many pouches. You took initiative from Espio and elected to swap your gloves out for a pair that could hold small blades around the wrist in the event you lost your belt. Viper adjusts the whip on their waist before drawing their baton and extending it. You nod to each other as you sprint into the dark, Jasper watching you both go while Ava stayed on the helm at the ready. They both seemed quieter tonight, neither of them joking around as much as they had the several weeks prior.

Progressing across the beach Viper taps your shoulder, a small metal hatch implanted into the sand, barely visible before they started digging it up. They pull on the handle as it creaks open, a long ladder leading down into the dark patiently waiting. You descend first, sliding down swiftly as the moonlight disappears from view. A few seconds of darkness before a red light caught your attention further down the shaft, getting brighter as you seemed to fall through an endless space of nothingness. You hit the bottom quietly, your shoes lightly clinking on the metal plated floors. Scanning the area you can see several badniks patrolling the installment. It looked like this place hadn't been visited by Eggman in a while, all of the old desks and checkpoint areas barren as the automatons continued on about their work. Viper stands beside you and takes in the scene as well, taking a small bomb out of their satchel and sticking it beside the ladder.

Allies (Tails x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now